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For example I have an array with this ips and want to create with my code an long spf record:

$array_ips = array();
$array_ips[] = ""; 
$array_ips[] = "";
$array_ips[] = "";
$array_ips[] = "";
$array_ips[] = "";
$array_ips[] = "";
$array_ips[] = "";
$array_ips[] = "";
$array_ips[] = "";
$array_ips[] = "";
$array_ips[] = "";
$array_ips[] = "";
$array_ips[] = "";
$array_ips[] = "";
$array_ips[] = "";
$array_ips[] = "";
$array_ips[] = "";
$array_ips[] = "";

$ips = implode(' ip4:', $array_ips);

echo "v=spf1 +a +mx".$ips." -all";

The spf record would be:

v=spf1 +a +mx ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: -all 

Characters: 307

The Problem is, that an SPF only can be max. 255 characters long. No possibility to add such a long string in plesk or cpanel in txt dns record. I have heared that if could be possible to do it like this "v=spf1 .... first" "spf second string...".

But does it realy work?
How to do it by generating it in my example above?



  1. You’ll need to do by sub-net. Use the standard IP4 sub-net notation:

    “v=spf1 ip4: -all”

    Allow any IP address between and

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  2. I have found the solution:

     echo "v=spf1 +a +mx ( "'.implode('" "',$array_ips).' " ) -all";

    but the page i found it is not in enlish. (spaces are requierd and ())


    The TXT record is too long. Here, in this example, the TXT record was split into several lines. The syntax for this is: brace on (then in quotation marks “first part ” next line in quotation marks “second part”, etc., and finally parenthesis). Important: Do not forget the blanks within each section enclosed in quotation marks: “first part” “second part” is then composed to “first partsecond part”.

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  3. You could do something like the below if your happy to allow a /24 subnet for a couple of IP’s. You could even subnet it correctly if you fancied. It’s cut down your list drastically anyways.

    $array_ips = array();
    $array_ips[] = ""; 
    $array_ips[] = "";
    $array_ips[] = "";
    $array_ips[] = "";
    $array_ips[] = "";
    $array_ips[] = "";
    $array_ips[] = "";
    $array_ips[] = "";
    $array_ips[] = "";
    $array_ips[] = "";
    $array_ips[] = "";
    $array_ips[] = "";
    $array_ips[] = "";
    $array_ips[] = "";
    $array_ips[] = "";
    $array_ips[] = "";
    $array_ips[] = "";
    $array_ips[] = "";
    $subnetArr = [];
    foreach ($array_ips as $k=>$v ) {
        $i = strrpos($v, '.');
        $testSub = substr($v, 0, -(strlen($v) - $i));
        if (in_array("ip4:" . $testSub . ".1/24", $subnetArr)) {
            //Do something here or change condition
        } else {
            array_push($subnetArr,"ip4:" . $testSub . ".1/24");
    $ips = implode(' ', $subnetArr);
    echo "v=spf1 +a +mx ".$ips." -all";


    v=spf1 +a +mx ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: -all


    Just changed so it actually echo’s SPF!

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  4. You can break it up into multiple include’s..

    "v=spf1 mx a -all"

    Then under each include DNS you’ll have = "v=spf1 ip4: ... -all" = "v=spf1 ip4: ... -all"

    This will gave you a lot more room because you’ll be able to include 8 includes along with your mx and a

    Then each include can hold 16 ip4 addresses that will get your around 128 IP addresses that your can’t CIDR.

    Edit – iprange1 –> iprange2 on line 2 of 2nd code snippet

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