I will preface by saying that I have extremely basic knowledge of html and css. I do not know anything really about jquery or bootstrap, even though my website makes use of both of those (I’m making changes to a free template I’d found online) :S. So I apologize in advance for my ignorance.
And so, even though I’ve searched for a solution, I’m not able to understand the other posts that may address the problem I’m experiencing.
The problem:
What’s happening is that bootstrap (I think) seems to have pre-determined (through CSS) the line-height for the rows and my items are going beyond that parameter because of the amount of text and the font-size. And because of that, what’s happening is that the items in the row below are being shifted over (see Figure 1).
I don’t want the second column to be shifted to the right. I want it to be shifted down so that the left ‘wall’ of the first items in each row are flush with one another (see Figure 2).
Normally, I would just adjust the stylesheet but I’ve tried adding a line-height to the .row class and that hasn’t helped and I don’t understand a lot of the bootstrap.min file that came with the template.
I don’t think I can provide attachments here and I’m not even sure which portion of the code is the ‘problem’ so I can’t paste that. The template I am using is Andia, in case that helps.
Thanks in advance for your help.
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<p>When the isotope filters are activated, it throws the rows off because of the height of previous items</p>
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Try This. Put as much text you want.
Maybe you should try to use “row row-eq-height” classes.
Try to use
<div class="row row-eq-height"></div>
instead of<div class="row"></div>
And add this CSS property to your custom CSS