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I am moving my company website to google app engine, Its mostly static content with small sections like dates to be generated using python. I have setup everything correctly and its working fine on app engine. Now I want to make few SEO related URL changes.

This is the line of code by which the website is served now .

app = webapp2.WSGIApplication([
    ('/', IndexPage),
    ('/discover', DiscoverPage),
    ('/about', AboutPage),
    ('/help', HelpPage),
    ('/terms-and-privacy', TermsPage)
], debug=True)

with classes like this defined for each page.

class DiscoverPage(webapp2.RequestHandler):
    def get(self):
        template_values = {
            'bodyclass': 'discover',
        template = JINJA_ENVIRONMENT.get_template('discover.html')

Now the things I want to achieve are :

  • when site being accessed from , I would like to redirect it to .

I have added both www and non www mappings at the app engine developer console, the site is currently accessible from both www and non www urls.but I only want non www version

  • When there is a trailing slash to the urls, strip it and send to version without trailing slash.

Right now works fine but ends up in 404 .

I haven’t got much experience with python webapps and my background is mainly apache/nginx servers and php . Does AppEngine got anything like htaccess rules or nginx rewrites ?



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    @Mihail answer help to fix the issues correctly. adding some details towards his answer .

    for fixing the second issue [trailing slashes] , if you try strict_slash you might end up getting this error or some others.

    ValueError: Routes with strict_slash must have a name.

    So documenting the steps by which i got it working

    import RedirectRoute to the code

    from webapp2_extras.routes import RedirectRoute

    Change in code accordingly with name parameter

    app = webapp2.WSGIApplication([
        DomainRoute('www.'+SITE_DOMAIN, [
                webapp2.Route(r'/<:.*>', handler=RedirectWWW),
         RedirectRoute('/', IndexPage,strict_slash=True,name="index"),
         RedirectRoute('/discover', DiscoverPage,strict_slash=True,name="discover"),
         RedirectRoute('/about', AboutPage,strict_slash=True,name="about"),
         RedirectRoute('/help', HelpPage,strict_slash=True,name="help"),
         RedirectRoute('/terms-and-privacy', TermsPage,strict_slash=True,name="terms")
    ], debug=True)

  2. You could first catch ALL requests to the “www” subdomain:

    from webapp2_extras.routes import DomainRoute
    app = webapp2.WSGIApplication([
        DomainRoute('', [
                webapp2.Route(r'/<:.*>', handler=RedirectWWW),
        ('/', IndexPage),
        ('/discover', DiscoverPage),
        ('/about', AboutPage),
        ('/help', HelpPage),
        ('/terms-and-privacy', TermsPage)
    ], debug=True)

    with a handler that replaces the www part with the naked domain:

    class RedirectWWW(webapp2.RequestHandler):
        def get(self, *args, **kwargs):
            url = self.request.url.replace(, '')
            return self.redirect(url, permanent=True)
        def post(self, *args, **kwargs):
            return self.get()

    Regarding the second issue, you could read about the strict_slash parameter here:

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