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I would like to get a cross-table by using pandas dataframe with Python like this:

Home Away Tot
played 19 19 38
wins 10 8 18
draws 7 5 12
loss 2 6 8
goals_for 40 26 66
goals_against 17 19 36
avg_goal_for 2.1 1.4 1.7
avg_goal_against 0.9 1.0 0.9

and the json file is :

"get": "teams/statistics",
"response": {
    "fixtures": {
        "played": {
            "home": 19,
            "away": 19,
            "total": 38
        "wins": {
            "home": 10,
            "away": 8,
            "total": 18
        "draws": {
            "home": 7,
            "away": 5,
            "total": 12
        "loses": {
            "home": 2,
            "away": 6,
            "total": 8
    "goals": {
        "for": {
            "total": {
                "home": 40,
                "away": 26,
                "total": 66
            "average": {
                "home": "2.1",
                "away": "1.4",
                "total": "1.7"
        "against": {
            "total": {
                "home": 17,
                "away": 19,
                "total": 36
            "average": {
                "home": "0.9",
                "away": "1.0",
                "total": "0.9"



I don’t know how to handle all nested dictionaries in an easy way.
Please someone can help me out.



  1. I think you first need to un-nest your dictionary, I recommend a recursive function to do so.

    if you want to do something that works for any occasion you can do something such as

    final_dict = {}
    def verify_keys(dicto):
        # this verify is dicto is a consistent block
        for val in dicto.values():
            keys = list(val.keys())
            equal = keys==['home', 'away', 'total']
            if not equal:
                return False
        return True
    def append_to_unested_dict(dicto, my_dict, key):
        # this function adds data to your dictionary
        if verify_keys(dicto):
            for name, item in dicto.items():
                my_dict[f"{key}_{name}"] = item 
            return True
        return False
    def deep_nested(dicto, my_dict, base_key=None):
        # this is the recursive fucntion
        for key, item in dicto.items():
            name_key = key if not base_key else f"{base_key}_{key}"
            appended = append_to_unested_dict(item, my_dict, name_key)
            if not appended:
                deep_nested(item, my_dict, key)
    for key, item in response.items():
        if not isinstance(item, dict):
        deep_nested(item, final_dict)
    df = pd.DataFrame(final_dict).T


                           home     away    total
    fixtures_played         19       19     38
    fixtures_wins           10        8     18
    fixtures_draws           7        5     12
    fixtures_loses           2        6     8
    goals_for_total         40       26     66
    goals_for_average       2.1     1.4     1.7
    goals_against_total     17       19     36
    goals_against_average   0.9     1.0     0.9
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  2. One way to do this is to process both halves of your response separately, using json_normalize to read the data, then splitting the column names to a multi-level index and then using stack to move to a long format from the wide format. You can then drop the top-level index and concat the two dataframes:

    data = json.loads(jstr)
    fixtures = pd.json_normalize(data['response']['fixtures'])
    fixtures.columns = fixtures.columns.str.split('.', expand=True)
    fixtures = fixtures.stack(level=0)
    fixtures.index = fixtures.index.droplevel()
    #         away  home  total
    # draws      5     7     12
    # loses      6     2      8
    # played    19    19     38
    # wins       8    10     18
    goals = pd.json_normalize(data['response']['goals'])
    goals.columns = goals.columns.str.split(r'.(?!.*.)', expand=True)
    goals = goals.stack(level=0)
    goals.index = goals.index.droplevel()
    #                 away home total
    # against.average  1.0  0.9   0.9
    #     19   17    36
    # for.average      1.4  2.1   1.7
    #         26   40    66
    out = pd.concat([fixtures, goals])


                    away home total
    draws              5    7    12
    loses              6    2     8
    played            19   19    38
    wins               8   10    18
    against.average  1.0  0.9   0.9     19   17    36
    for.average      1.4  2.1   1.7         26   40    66

    Note, if desired you can rename the index column to match your question using

    out.index = ['draws', 'loses', 'played', 'wins', 'goals_against_average', 'goals_against_total', 'goals_for_average', 'goals_for_total']


                          away home total
    draws                    5    7    12
    loses                    6    2     8
    played                  19   19    38
    wins                     8   10    18
    goals_against_average  1.0  0.9   0.9
    goals_against_total     19   17    36
    goals_for_average      1.4  2.1   1.7
    goals_for_total         26   40    66
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