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Zapier does not offer native integration for Telegram. How can one send a message to Telegram chat from Zapier?



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    Zapier offers Code actions that can execute JavaScript or Python code. You can use JavaScript fetch and Telegram HTTP API to post messages to Telegram chats through your bot.

    // TG bot API documentation
    // Set up the bot with BotFather and the API token
    const TG_API_TOKEN = "xxx";
    // Add the bot to a chat
    // In chat type: /start to make the bot to recognise the chat 
    // Get chat it by calling TG getUpdates API in terminal and picking
    // the chat id from the output by hand
    //  curl$TG_API_TOKEN/getUpdates | jq 
    const CHAT_ID = "xxx";
    async function postData(url, data) {
      // Default options are marked with *
      const response = await fetch(url, {
        method: 'POST', 
        headers: {
          'Content-Type': 'application/json'
        body: JSON.stringify(data) // body data type must match "Content-Type" header
      return response.json(); // parses JSON response into native JavaScript objects
    // Create the message using uptick formatting from whatever inputData field 
    // you choose in Zapier
    const message = `Hello my old friend ${}`;
    console.log("Sending out", message);
    // Create sendMessage payload
    const payload = {chat_id: CHAT_ID, text: message, disable_notification: false};
    // Which endpoint we are calling
    const endpoint = `${TG_API_TOKEN}/sendMessage`;
    // Call Telegram HTTP API
    const resp = await postData(endpoint, payload);
    console.log("We got", resp);
    // Zapier scripts needed output - pass Telegram API response
    output = resp;

  2. There’s no need to do this using Python or Javascript. You can use the POST function in Zapier’s Webhooks to send a message directly via the Bot API:


    Payload Type json


    • text your message
    • chat_id -{CHANNEL_OR_GROUP_ID}

    Note the use of the - symbol in front of the chat_id; you must have this in order for it to work.

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