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I have installed the following jar in databricks "com.redislabs:spark-redis_2.12:2.5.0". And trying create a spark session with the respective authentications

Below is the code where I create a spark session with creds

redis= SparkSession.builder.appName("redis_connection").config("", "hostname").config("spark.redis.port", "port").config("spark.redis.auth", "pass").getOrCreate()

But when I try to save it using the follwing code

df.write.format("org.apache.spark.sql.redis").option("table", "velocity").option("key.column", "name").option("ttl", 30).save()

This throws me the following error.

Caused by: redis.clients.jedis.exceptions.JedisConnectionException: Failed connecting to host localhost:6379

It obviously mean to connect to localhost rather the hostname I provide. How to pass the jar configuration with hostnames and passphrase in databricks to validate the connection.



  1. Most likely databricks picks up the wrong spark session that doesn’t have config parameters set.
    You may try two options:

    1. Set, spark.redis.port and spark.redis.auth in Databricks cluster configuration. Go to cluster -> edit -> Advanced Options -> Spark -> Spark Config
    2. set options in the implicitly created spark session with spark.conf.set("", "host") and the same with other parameters.
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  2. I was getting the same error while ingesting data into redis through spark using similar configuration, i used host, port and auth as configuration instead of spark.redis.*, this worked for me

    import scala.collection.mutable.HashMap
    def getRedisClusterProperties(): HashMap[String,String] = {
        val properties = new HashMap[String,String]
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