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I’m working on a Telegram bot using python-telegram-bot and I want to stop running a telegram.job object.
for example I want to stop running this hello function while it is in while loop.

def hello(context):
    while True:, text="Hi!")

I’m using the start command to call hello function and run a job:

def start(update,context):
    context.job_queue.run_once(hello, 10, context=update.message.chat_id,

And using the end command, I remove the job from job queue:

def end(update,context):
    for job in context.job_queue._queue.queue:
        if job[1].name ==

The problem is when I use end command before starting of the job(at first 10 seconds) it works correctly and stops the job but when I use end command while running the job it does nothing because the running job is not in the job queue.

Do you have any idea? How can I stop the running job?



  1. I don’t think that there’s a straight way to do it via PTB itself, but it’s quite easy to program yourself. You always have access to context.bot_data dictionary.

    So store a variable there like run_job_a = True and check it on each iteration of your loop. Then you’ll be able to stop the job by changing it’s value to False.

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  2. If omitting the while loop in your job function is an option for you, you could also start a repeating job. This way the job would be still in your job queue and you can easily stop it.

    # job
    def hello(context):, text="Hi!")
    # executing the job every second
    def start(update,context):
      context.job_queue.run_repeating(hello, 1, context=update.message.chat_id, name=str(
    # end the job
    def end(update,context):
      current_jobs = context.job_queue.get_jobs_by_name(name)
      for job in current_jobs:
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