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I browsed the internet and didn’t find much information on how to use any caching library with Slim framework 3.

Can anyone help me with this issue?



  1. I use symfony/cache with Slim 3. You can use any other cache library, but I give an example setup for this specific library. And I should mention, this is actually independent of Slim or any other framework.

    First you need to include this library in your project, I recommend using composer. I also will iinclude predis/predis to be able to use Redis adapter:

    composer require symfony/cache predis/predis

    Then I’ll use Dependency Injection Container to setup cache pool to make it available to other objects which need to use caching features:

    // If you created your project using slim skeleton app
    // this should probably be placed in depndencies.php
    $container['cache'] = function ($c) {
        $config = [
            'schema' => 'tcp',
            'host' => 'localhost',
            'port' => 6379,
            // other options
        $connection = new PredisClient($config);
        return new SymfonyComponentCacheAdapterRedisAdapter($connection);

    Now you have a cache item pool in $container['cache'] which has methods defined in PSR-6.

    Here is a sample code using it:

    class SampleClass {
        protected $cache;
        public function __construct($cache) {
            $this->cache = $cache;
        public function doSomething() {
            $item = $this->cache->getItem('unique-cache-key');
            if ($item->isHit()) {
                return 'I was previously called at ' . $item->get();
            else {
                return 'I am being called for the first time, I will return results from cache for the next 3600 seconds.';

    Now when you want to create new instance of SampleClass you should pass this cache item pool from the DIC, for example in a route callback:

    $app->get('/foo', function (){
        $bar = new SampleClass($this->get('cache'));
        return $bar->doSomething();
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  2. $memcached = new Memcached();
    $memcached->addServer($cachedHost, $cachedPort);
    $metadataCache = new DoctrineCommonCacheMemcachedCache();
    $queryCache = new DoctrineCommonCacheMemcachedCache();
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