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I’m trying to relocate a few select posts from my blogger URL to my new blog located in a Wix website.
I’m trying to use the meta refresh tag to get my SEO transfered for each of my blogger posts.

Blogger does not provide 301 redirects outside of the blogger domain. Hence I’m using the meta refresh tags.

I notice that Wix’s blog pages have Ajax based URL links. Should I be providing the URL (of the Wix post) in the Meta Refresh tag (in the blogger post) with the “#!” or should the URL in the meta refresh be the one with “?_escaped_fragment_”?

Which of these URLs will transfer the SEO from the blogger post to the Wix post?



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    After many trial and error I have found the answer to my own question.

    Here's what happened when I did this on the old/url

    <meta http-equiv="Refresh" content="2; URL=new/url/#!BlogPost" />

    This did the redirection after 2sec, but after weeks of waiting, the old/url continued to show on google and the new/url never showed up.

    Then I tried this on the old/url:

    <meta http-equiv="Refresh" content="2; URL=new/url/?_escaped_fragment_=BlogPost" />

    This did nothing as well. Then I figured that if content=n (n is a number other than 0) , this is treated as a 302 redirect. Which is a temporary redirect.

    So I tried the following:

    <meta http-equiv="Refresh" content="0; URL=new/url/?_escaped_fragment_=BlogPost" />

    This was a weird reaction that google gave. The old/url got removed from the search results and the new/url too was nowhere to be found. This is bad, never do this.

    The final option was:

    <meta http-equiv="Refresh" content="0; URL=new/url/#!=BlogPost" />

    This finally did the trick. The link juice passed on from the old/url to the new/url after a few days. It is important however to go to google webmaster and get the old/url re-crawled. Only then will the link juice be passed on.

  2. If you intend to preserve the link profile and search engine optimisation value of the posts, then a Meta refresh cannot quite replace a 301 redirect.

    To answer your question, though, Google can deal with hashbang (#!) as well as escaped fragments, depending on how the Wix site is coded. You should definitely refer to Google’s guide to making AJAX crawlable:

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  3. Use the following code in head tag:

    <meta http-equiv="Refresh" content="3;url=yourpage.html">
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  4. Please can you look into this, it may be useful for you:

    <html xmlns="">
          Welcome Back
    <meta http-equiv="Refresh" content="2; URL=/wwstore/Profile.aspx" />
    You can add this into an ASP.NET page with code like this:
    // *** Create META tag and add to header controls
    HtmlMeta RedirectMetaTag = new HtmlMeta();
    RedirectMetaTag.HttpEquiv = "Refresh";
    RedirectMetaTag.Content = string.Format("{0}; URL={1}", this.Context.Items["ErrorMessage_Timeout"], NewUrl);
    But I never put 2 and 2 together to realize that the meta tag is actually mapping an HTTP header. A much easier way to do this is to simply add a header:
    Response.AppendHeader("Refresh", "4");
    Or refresh and go off to another page:
    Response.AppendHeader("Refresh", "4; url=profile.aspx");

    For more details please look here :

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  5. Google can understand #! sign. That would not be a problem.

    If you query site:www.[something-made-with-wix].com on Google, You’ll see all the links in the form of #! in the results.

    You can try this one as an example.

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