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As referenced here:

And in the pg docs



it appears to be something to do with contrib.

I am running server version 9.5.20 psql version 8.4.20 on centos 6.7

I have installed (I think) the contrib package using

yum install postgresql-contrib

although when I execute postgresql-contrib

I get

-bash: postgresql-contrib: command not found

If I execute create extension oid2name (I’m not sure if I should need to do this given the documentation referenced above, but anyway…) I get

create extension oid2name; ERROR: could not open extension control file "/usr/pgsql-9.5/share/extension/oid2name.control": No such file or directory

and what is in that directory?

~$ ls /usr/pgsql-9.5/share/extension/    
plpgsql--1.0.sql  plpgsql.control  plpgsql--unpackaged--1.0.sql

I am in an unfamiliar area..but like many things it should not be so difficult if you know how. Thanks.



  1. oid2name is not an extension, it is an executable binary. You execute it from the bash shell prompt, not from inside psql

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  2. If you installed the CentOS binaries for 9.5, oid2name can be called with its absolute path like this:

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