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I have a form which has input fields that is dynamically built using ng-repeat. How I can validate these fields are greater than another input field. Please look at this sample code.

<html ng-app>
    <link href="//" rel="stylesheet">
<body ng-init="weekDays = ['monday', 'tuesday', 'wednesday','thursday', 'friday', 'saturday','sunday']">
    <h1>Fun with Fields and ngModel</h1>
    <p>days: {{weekDays}}</p>
    <h3>Binding to each element directly:</h3>
    <div ng-repeat="weekday in weekDays">
        Value: {{weekday}}
        {{day='day_'+weekday; ""}}
        <input name="{{day}}" ng-model="val">                         
      Number to validate : <input name="numToValidate">

I am very new to angularJS and still learning. However I couldn’t able to think through this simple validation. Please help.



  1. You can use html form element with min attribute to check validity

    <input name="{{day}}" ng-model="weekday.val" min="{{numToValidate}}">

    you will need seperate model for each of your inputs in your ng-repeat therefore I changed your ng-model with the following


    if you do not want to use form you can check the validity of your value with ng-blur directive (triggered when input loses focus).


    <input name="{{day}}" ng-model="weekday.val" ng-blur="checkValid(weekday.val)">


    $scope.checkValid = function(value){
        if(value  > $scope.numToValidate){
            alert("please enter a valid number");
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  2. Html:

    <form name="form">
        <div ng-repeat="weekday in weekDays">
            Value: {{weekday}}
            {{day='day_'+weekday; ""}}
            <input name="{{day}}" ng-model="val" required>                         
          Number to validate : <input name="numToValidate" required>


        // You can write your code here what you want to do after validate.
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