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I want to find and validates dynamic path variable.

User can enter url and dynamic path variable in input box like below.


Dynamic path variable is optional. Therefore url that does not have path variable is also fine.

However, if user wants to add dynamic path variable, it must start with ‘/{‘ and ends with ‘}’.

Therefore urls below are not valid.{}

Here is what I did.

first I split url using ‘/’ and create a new array starts from 3rd index to the last index.

const url = '{a}/{bb}/{ccc'

const splitUrl = url.split('/') // ['https:', '', '', '{a}', '{bb}', '{ccc']

const pathVaraibles = splitUrl.slice(3) // ['{a}', '{bb}', '{ccc']

Then I just need to check pathVariables array whether all elements in the array are valid variables.

Could this be the proper way to validate dynamic path variables in url?



  1. You can try the following way:

    function isValidUrlWithPathVariable(url) {
      const splitUrl = url.split('/');
      const pathVariables = splitUrl.slice(3).filter(i=>i);
      if (pathVariables.length === 0) {
        //URL does not have any path variables, which is valid
        return true;
      const regex = /^{[^{}]+}$/;
      //check all the path variables against the regex
      for (let i = 0; i < pathVariables.length; i++) {
        if (!regex.test(pathVariables[i])) {
          return false;
      return true;
    const urlValid1 = '';
    const urlValid2 = 'http://localhost:3000/{aaa}';
    console.log(isValidUrlWithPathVariable(urlValid1));  //true
    console.log(isValidUrlWithPathVariable(urlValid2));  //true
    const urlInvalid1 = '{}';
    const urlInvalid2 = 'https://helloWorld/{aaa';
    const urlInvalid3 = 'http://localhost:3000/aaa}';
    const urlInvalid4 = 'http://localhost:9999/{aaa}}';
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  2. If any of these assumptions are incorrect, you’ll have to adjust the final regular expressions. Everything depends a bit on what you’re ultimately trying to do.

    Are you trying to validate the URLs as well, or are we just assuming they’re valid & only want to look at the dynamic component? If so, that’s covered well in this SO question: What is the best regular expression to check if a string is a valid URL?.

    Secondly, what if we have a URL of the form:{userid}/Profile: Is this a valid dynamic URL? I’m going to assume, "yes", but all examples "end with" the dynamic portion.

    Thirdly, the dynamic strings you’re using are of the form {aaa}, {abc}, etc. but you didn’t really put any restrictions on them in the question. I’d assume "alphabetic" or "alphanumeric" but obviously other people have assumed they can be "anything that’s not a curly brace" (i.e. [^{}]+ in a regex is "one or more elements + that aren’t in the set [^] containing the values {}.")

    Are you always using "fully qualified URLs" or can they also be "root relative"? E.g. https://localhost:3010/User/Profile/{userid} vs /User/Profile/{userid}. I’m assuming fully qualified, but there’s benefits to using relative URLs in an app.

    I’d definitely use a similar approach to @Mamun’s answer and use a regular expression (regex) as well.

    Leveraging the fact that, "…curly braces are unsafe characters, and are not valid in URIs…" I’d just:

    • Validate that the URL matches your expected form with a very basic check,
    • Use a slightly different regex to extract the path variables,
    • (Run whatever your code would be to dynamically replace those vars),
    • Run a final regex over the URL to determine it’s valid (or just "use it" & trust nothing’s gone awry).
    // Starts with "http(s)://" then skips to the first "/"
    // Checks it's either: /{<alphanumeric>} (e.g. /{abc})
    // Or path component doesn't have `{}` in it at all (e.g. /Profile)
    // * Repeat 0 or more times (e.g. OR{a}/{b}/Test/{c}/)
    function isDynamicUrl(url) {
        const testUrlRegex = /https*://[^/]+(/({w+})|([^{}]*))*?$/
        return testUrlRegex.test(url)
    // Variables pulled from "somewhere"
    const props = {
        userId: 5,
        area: "Designs",
    const path = "{userId}/{area}/Index"
    var url = ""
    // matches will be of the form: [["/{userId}", "userId"], ["/{area}", "area"]]
    if (isDynamicUrl(path)) {
        const replacementRegex = //{(w+)}/g;
        url = path.replace(replacementRegex, (match, group1) => "/" + props[group1])
    // url == ""

    For testing regular expressions, I’d recommend a site like which freely lets you test an expression against a block of text to validate it. If you paste my expression into a site like that, it’ll give a clearer explanation of how it works than I could probably describe.

    You may need to make some small changes for testing there, e.g. I used multiple lines so I had to use the /gm flag (anchors like $ will respect newlines) & also account for n (newline) when testing:

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