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I’m using Moment.js to parse the Date from a string, however every time I parse it I have to specify the format the string is in, but my string can either be dd-MM-yy or d/m/yyyy or d-MM-yyyy, its always changing, so writing out all the different formats will be challenging, is there a way to parse it if I know the string will always be the day followed by the month followed by the year? Either with JavaScripts date constructor or a third party library like Moment.js



  1. Can you share your code, I didnt exactly get it but while I was using moment.js
    and I had date of any kind , we can format is by using

    moment(your_date).format('D-MM-YYYY') or  moment(your_date).format('D/MM/YYYY');

    If that clears your doubt then well and good otherwise let me know what have you sent and what exactly is required in code. Thanks

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  2. read this example code

    const dateString = "05-05-2023"; // example date string in "day-month-year" format
    const parts = dateString.split(/[-/]/); // split the string into parts using either "-" or "/" as the delimiter
    const year = parts[2];
    const month = parseInt(parts[1]) - 1; // subtract 1 from the month because it is zero-indexed in the Date() constructor
    const day = parts[0];
    const date = new Date(year, month, day);
    console.log(date); // Fri May 05 2023 00:00:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
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  3. Simply match for numbers (i.e. days, month, year), then use the Date() constructor:

    function parseDate(dateString) {
      const [days, month, year] = dateString.match(/d+/g);
      const monthIndex = month - 1;
      return new Date(year, monthIndex, days);
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