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I’m trying to add {{ product.variants.first.sku }} into a js file, the function is below

function buildPrice(data, onSale, priceVaries) {
  var priceHtml = '',
    onSaleClass = onSale ? ' price--on-sale' : '';
  var productSku = "{{ product.variants.first.sku }}";
  priceHtml += '<dl class="price' + onSaleClass + '" data-price>';
  priceHtml += '<div class="price__vendor">';
  priceHtml += '<dt>';
  priceHtml += '<span class="visually-hidden">' + bcSfFilterConfig.label.vendor + '</span>';
  priceHtml += '</dt>';
  priceHtml += '<dd>';
  priceHtml += data.vendor;
  priceHtml += '</dd>';
  priceHtml += '</div>';
  priceHtml += '<div class="product__sku">';
  priceHtml += '<dd>';
  priceHtml += productSku;
  priceHtml += '</dd>';
  priceHtml += '</div>';
  priceHtml += '<div class="price__regular card-price">';
  priceHtml += '<dt>';
  priceHtml += '<span class="visually-hidden visually-hidden--inline">' + bcSfFilterConfig.label.regular_price + '</span>';
  priceHtml += '</dt>';
  priceHtml += '<dd>';
  priceHtml += '<span class="price-item price-item--regular" data-regular-price>';

As you can see I tried using var productSku = "{{ product.variants.first.sku }}"; but it still just pastes {{ product.variants.first.sku }} in html instead of loading the sku number.

How can I get it to render the liquid insert instead of just pasting the code in visible html?

Would appreciate any help!



  1. I don’t think you need the json filter.


    That is a value. Makes no sense to filter it as json.

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  2. You are not showing anything terribly dynamic in your sample– there’s nothing there that couldn’t be done with a snippet of liquid.

    However the way I go about blending shopify’s info with javascript is like:


    var myObj = {
    product: {{product |json}},
    startingVariant : {{product.selected_or_first_available_variant | json }}
    // now do something with product:

    and then

    {% include 'pricesnippet' %} in your liquid where needed.

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