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I’m using a Webhook for Instagram Graph API’s Mention API. I want to get a post request that contains media_id from Facebook Developer when my IG business account is mentioned by other users.
I have done all setting as described in Facebook Developer Document. And now I can send a test Request from Facebook Developer Webhook Dashboard by click Blue Button “Test”. These reports’ data is fake data, so I can not continue develop further logic. In order to receive real data, I used other ID account and tried to create an IG post which mentions my IG business account. But I get nothing. No request was sent to my Callback URL.

Can you tell me how to continue my development, get mentioned post and save this info into my database?



  1. I’m stuck with the same thing. I can’t continue any logic after this point! I’m not receiving anything on the webhook besides the test message. I think I’ve read everything I can on the internet of other people who have tried to make this work. I’m not 100% sure, but I believe we need a product review for certain permissions to actually test the mention webhooks live.

    Such as:

    To get these, you would need to make a screencast of your application of why you would need the permissions. After you’ve set it up for review, I’ve heard other people say that it could take up to 4 months to get it reviewed.

    The problem with the tags API is the resriction of replying to tags. Mentions are as far as I know, the only way to respond to users commenting you.

    This is mostly all the info I could find, sorry if it isn’t much…

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  2. When Business instagram user mentioned your IG Business account that time it will callback where as When Normal IG user mentioned it is not callback webhook

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