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I build chat app using Firebase API right now. I wan’t to make preload icons like on facebook screenshot. I thought i can create empty images and label fields and fill them after content loaded, but i don’t know how to check if all data loaded from DB. How i can do that in correct way?

enter image description here

This is where i want to place objects

enter image description here



    1. Install ListPlaceholder this lib.

    2. import ListPlaceholder

    To show the loader, start showing this from start


    To hide the loader, end showing after data has been loaded


    Please refer this may get help.

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  1. Facebook has it’s own library called Shimmer. To use this on tableview, you can follow this StackOverflow question answer.

    You’ll just have to create the UIView you want to animate and above that you’ll have to add your FBShimmeringView. At the end set shimmeringView.shimmering = true to start shimmering

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  2. To hide the loading use tableView.hideLoader()

    ListPlaceholder helped me to resolve the issue. All that I did was added the ListLoader.swift file to my project and added tableView.reloadData(), tableView.showLoader() in viewDidAppear in the tableView where I wanted to show loading.
    ( ListLoader.swif uses visibleCells to determine the number of rows on which the loading should be shown. In my applications, visibleCell’s count was incorrect on calling tableView.showLoader() method in viewDidLoad )

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