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This is my first post and i think the answer is very easy but i don’t get it:

I (try) to build a shopify store but i have to make some modifications and here is the point at where i am stuck:

On my Product Page i want to inluce a <input type=text>, which is required, can only be Capital Letters and the length must min. be 1 and max. 10. I tried it with html5 pattern but it didn’t worked. I read something, that if the shopify theme includes ajax, it just ignores the pattern and the required attribute (i don’t know if this is true).

So i tried to make my own functions:

$('#dein-text').on("change textInput input", function(evt) {
    $(this).val(function (_, val) {
        return val.toUpperCase();

this just should return the string into capital letters.

function checkText() {
    var re = /(?=.*[A-Z]).{1,6}/;
    if(re.test($('#dein-text').val())) {
        $('.add', $product).removeClass('disabled').removeAttr('disabled');
    } else {       
        $('.add', $product).addClass('disabled').attr('disabled', 'disabled');

this function is executed at every change on the input form:
$('#dein-text').on("change textInput input", checkText);

This does not work, because it removes the disabled class if there is min. 1 letter (it does not check if there are more than 6) and if there is one capital letter (something like “HA11” does not add the (.disabled) class).

i hope i could describe what my problem is.

Thank you for your help!

edit: this is the .liquid code of the whole form:

(i hope you can see this on codepen, sry i am really new to the webdev thing)



  1. You can try:

    $('#my_id').on("change input", function(evt) {
        $(this).val(function (_, val) {
            return val.toUpperCase().replace(/[^A-Z]/, "").replace(/^([A-Z]{1,10}).*$/g, "$1");
    <script src=""></script>
    <input type="text" id="my_id">
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  2. To only allow one to ten uppercase ASCII letters in the input field use the following HTML5 pattern:

    <input type="text" pattern="[A-Z]{1,10}" title="Only 1 to 10 uppercase ASCII letters allowed!">

    If you need to match a string that only contains 1 to 10 uppercase ASCII letters in plain JS, you need

     var re = /^[A-Z]{1,10}$/;

    Note that start and end anchors (^ / $) are added by the HTML5 automatIically when using the regex in the pattern attribute.

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