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I’d like to construct html-elements from JSON-objects with multiple properties. My JSON-file looks like this:

    "shape1": {
      "fill": "red",
      "stroke": "black",
      "attr": {
        "stroke-width": 5,
        "color": "#000"

    "shape2": {
      "fill": "blue",
      "stroke": "black",
      "attr": {
        "stroke-width": 3,
        "color": "#d19930"

    "shape3": {
      "fill": "green",
      "stroke": "black",
      "attr": {
        "stroke-width": 7,
        "color": "#ffeb00"

I’d like to be able to turn each of these into an element, such as this:

<div data-fill:"green" data-stroke="black" data-stroke-width="5" data-color="#000"></div>

I’m stuck trying to get access to the properties of the objects. I’m fetching the objects like so:

$.getJSON( "/assets/svg-data/svg-forms1.json", function( data ) {
  $.each(data, function(key, value) {
    // What to do now?

When console log the objects, I can see that they have been fetched, but how do I now access the contents of the objects and use them?



  1. Since the objects have different keys, and you’re not interested in the key, you can use Object.values(value)[0] to get the contained object that has the properties you want.

    $.getJSON( "/assets/svg-data/svg-forms1.json", function( data ) {
      $.each(data, function(key, value) {
        var obj = Object.values(value)[0];
        var div = $("<div>", {
            data: {
                fill: obj.fill,
                stroke: obj.stroke,
                "stroke-width": obj.attr["stroke-width"],
                color: obj.attr.color
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  2. Due to the complex nature of your data, you may need to iterate more than once. Here is a basic example.

    var shapes = [{
        "shape1": {
          "fill": "red",
          "stroke": "black",
          "attr": {
            "stroke-width": 5,
            "color": "#000"
        "shape2": {
          "fill": "blue",
          "stroke": "black",
          "attr": {
            "stroke-width": 3,
            "color": "#d19930"
        "shape3": {
          "fill": "green",
          "stroke": "black",
          "attr": {
            "stroke-width": 7,
            "color": "#ffeb00"
    $(function() {
      function makeShape(a) {
        var d = $("<div>");
        $.each(a, function(key, val) {
            "data-fill": val.fill,
            "data-stroke": val.stroke,
            "data-stroke-width": val.attr['stroke-width'],
            "data-color": val.attr.color
        return d;
      $.each(shapes, function(i, v) {
        var s = makeShape(v);
    .shapes {
      background: #ccc;
    .shapes div {
      width: 100px;
      height: 100px;
      background: white;
    <script src=""></script>
    <div class="shapes"></div>

    As you can see, we iterate the Array, this gives us a number of Objects. Each of these Objects contains more Objects. Example:


    This would have a value of “red”.

    If you can adjust the Data being sent back, I would advise a different structure. Like so:

        "id": "shape1",
        "fill": "red",
        "stroke": "black",
        "attr": {
          "stroke-width": 5,
          "color": "#000"
        "id": "shape2",
        "fill": "blue",
        "stroke": "black",
        "attr": {
          "stroke-width": 3,
          "color": "#d19930"
        "id": "shape3",
        "fill": "green",
        "stroke": "black",
        "attr": {
          "stroke-width": 7,
          "color": "#ffeb00"

    This will make iterating the data a lot easier.


    Now you just have to iterate the Array alone.

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