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Started learning axios and I’m loving it!

Quick question, could not find an answer for it, maybe there is non.

In jQuery ajax there is a method called ajaxComplete, I was wandering if there is an equivalent in axios?



  1. axios uses promises. You can use

    /* hande it here */

    Check out how js promises work if you do not have a basic knowledge

    For global handling axios event this may help

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  2. No there is not. jQuery’s $.ajax has a function build in where it fires an event when a request has been finished. This is the ajaxComplete event.

    Axios does not have such behavior, but you could build your own with the CustomEvent interface. Or / and assume that there is a method axiosSuccess on the document and call that.

    const axiosGet = async url => {
      try {
        const response = await axios.get(url)
        const axiosSuccessEvent = new CustomEvent('axiossuccess', {
          detail: { url, response }
        if (typeof document.axiosSuccess === 'function') {
          document.axiosSuccess({ url, response })
        return response
      } catch (error) {

    And then listen for your own event on the document.

    document.addEventListener('axiossuccess', event => {
      const { detail } = event
      const { url, response } = detail
      console.log(url, response)
    document.axiosSuccess = ({ url, response }) => {
      console.log(url, response)
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