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If I have an array such as this one:


How can I convert this to an object that looks like the following?

  "AppA": {
    "ServiceA": {
      "SecretKey": "topSecretKeyA"
  "AppB": {
    "ServiceB": {
      "SecretKey": "topSecretKeyB"
  "AppC": {
    "ServiceC": {
      "SecretKey": "topSecretKeyC"

I think I need to use reduce but I can’t quite figure out how to do it. I have tried a number of variations of this:

jq 'reduce .[] as $k (null; {($k: .})'



  1. Use setpath (manual) to set a given path to a value:

    reduce .[] as $k (null; setpath($k[:-1]; $k[-1]))
      "AppA": {
        "ServiceA": {
          "SecretKey": "topSecretKeyA"
      "AppB": {
        "ServiceB": {
          "SecretKey": "topSecretKeyB"
      "AppC": {
        "ServiceC": {
          "SecretKey": "topSecretKeyC"
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  2. with map and from_entries

    map({key: .[0], value: {(.[1]): {(.[2]): .[3]}}}) | from_entries
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