I have a list called "merged". Within each object in the list there are nested lists for "input", "output", and "session". Ultimately I would like to unlist all this into a dataframe that is easy to work. This data comes from shiny app logs and I would like to be able to select and filter variables to see how users are interacting with the app. I am new to lists and need help getting this data into a format I can work.
Head dput
data <- list(list(inputs = structure(list(name = c(".shinymanager_logout",
"cap_table_search", "cap_table_rows_all", "cap_table_state",
"site_map_center", "cap_table_state", "cap_table_cells_selected",
"cap_table_cell_clicked", "cap_table_rows_selected", "region_map",
"site_map_center", "site_map_zoom", "site_map_bounds", "site_map_bounds",
"cap_table_columns_selected", "site_map_zoom", "site_map", "cap_table_rows_current"
), timestamp = c("2023-05-04 08:29:48.355-0700", "2023-05-04 08:29:39.094-0700",
"2023-05-04 08:29:39.093-0700", "2023-05-04 08:29:39.334-0700",
"2023-05-04 08:29:44.125-0700", "2023-05-04 08:29:39.093-0700",
"2023-05-04 08:29:39.090-0700", "2023-05-04 08:29:39.094-0700",
"2023-05-04 08:29:39.090-0700", "2023-05-04 08:29:39.152-0700",
"2023-05-04 08:29:44.049-0700", "2023-05-04 08:29:44.125-0700",
"2023-05-04 08:29:44.125-0700", "2023-05-04 08:29:44.049-0700",
"2023-05-04 08:29:39.090-0700", "2023-05-04 08:29:44.049-0700",
"2023-05-04 08:29:40.663-0700", "2023-05-04 08:29:39.092-0700"
), value = list(1L, "", list(), list(time = 1683214179333, start = 0L,
length = 10L, order = list(), search = list(search = "",
smart = TRUE, regex = FALSE, caseInsensitive = TRUE),
columns = structure(list(visible = c(TRUE, TRUE, TRUE), search = structure(list(
search = c("", "", ""), smart = c(TRUE, TRUE, TRUE),
regex = c(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), caseInsensitive = c(TRUE,
TRUE, TRUE)), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA,
3L))), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, 3L))), list(
lng = -82.6248, lat = 12.7017), structure(list(), names = character(0)),
list(), structure(list(), names = character(0)), list(),
c("altos_de_campana", "boraceia", "california", "caribbean",
"chiriqui", "el_cope", "el_valle", "fortuna", "gamboa", "louisiana",
"new_mexico", "pennsylvania", "santa_fe", "santa_virginia",
"tennessee", "vermont"), list(lng = -82.6248, lat = 12.7017),
3L, list(north = 49.2678, east = 5.2734, south = -29.6881,
west = -170.5078), list(north = 49.2678, east = 5.2734,
south = -29.6881, west = -170.5078), list(), 3L, c("10008",
"10032", "10037", "10055", "10069", "10081", "10090", "10091",
"10095", "10100", "10101", "10102", "10103", "10109", "10110",
"10111", "10114", "10196", "10197", "10198", "10199", "10206",
"10218", "10220", "10223", "10225", "10227", "10228", "10263",
"10276", "10277", "10284", "10285", "10314", "10315", "10316",
"10319", "10418", "10420", "10421", "10422", "10423", "10461",
"10473", "10474", "10475", "10476", "10477", "10486", "10487",
"10488", "10489", "10490", "10511", "10533", "10570", "10571",
"10572", "10583", "10584", "10591", "10593", "10594", "10697",
"11007", "11008", "11009", "11010", "11011", "11027", "11028",
"11029", "11030", "11040", "11068", "11215", "11359", "11469",
"11494", "11496", "11506", "11518", "11570", "11571", "11572",
"11687", "11858", "11870", "11896", "11_water", "12012",
"12102", "12110", "12111", "12125", "12222", "12254", "12330",
"12331", "12333", "12361", "12464", "12534", "12562", "12590",
"12602", "12604", "12605", "12618", "12621", "12648", "13025",
"13026", "14001", "1_land", "1_water", "20086", "20135",
"20169", "20170", "20190", "20196", "20198", "20199", "20231",
"20276", "20278", "20288", "21007", "21081", "21091", "21092",
"21097", "21098", "21108", "21109", "21110", "21111", "21520",
"21530", "22008", "22019", "2330scacou", "2_land", "2_water",
"3_land", "3_water", "40800", "40801", "4_land", "4_water",
"50138", "50162", "50183", "50217", "50218", "50229", "50304",
"50305", "50306", "50307", "50308", "50709", "50731", "50735",
"50783", "50785", "50787", "50837", "50839", "50858", "50887",
"50895", "50897", "50899", "50904", "50929", "50967", "51356",
"51357", "51361", "51365", "51801", "52003", "52127", "52171",
"52175", "52193", "52212", "52234", "52238", "52240", "52241",
"52244", "52245", "52246", "52247", "52248", "52249", "52250",
"52251", "52252", "52253", "52254", "52255", "52256", "52257",
"52258", "52259", "52260", "52261", "52262", "52263", "52264",
"52266", "52267", "52268", "52271", "53003", "54035", "54188",
"54200", "54202", "54203", "54204", "54205", "5_land", "5_water",
"6_land", "6_water", "70028", "70034", "70074", "70114",
"70122", "70156", "70158", "70175", "70215", "70251", "70278",
"70279", "70284", "70295", "70327", "70331", "70348", "70355",
"70370", "70381", "70397", "70399", "70403", "70413", "70442",
"70448", "70449", "70459", "70470", "70472", "70481", "70505",
"70519", "70525", "70529", "70550", "70552", "70556", "70563",
"70567", "70571", "70596", "70597", "70611", "70619", "70627",
"70628", "70629", "70634", "70641", "70650", "70657", "70685",
"70735", "71121", "71362", "71461", "71597", "71679", "71734",
"71811", "71887", "71917", "72008", "72021", "72092", "72093",
"72097", "72147", "72179", "72210", "72212", "72215", "72336",
"72404", "72442", "72580", "72601", "72620", "72695", "72773",
"72808", "72847", "72849", "72885", "72973", "72986", "72989",
"72996", "72998", "73037", "73042", "74060", "74061", "74269",
"74281", "74335", "74976", "7_land", "7_water", "82643",
"82644", "82645", "82646", "82682", "84218", "84221", "84226",
"84235", "84237", "84255", "84266", "84277", "84292", "84294",
"84303", "84305", "84306", "84307", "84309", "84310", "84312",
"84313", "84317", "84325", "84326", "84327", "84329", "84962",
"84963", "87495", "8_land", "8_water", "9_land", "9_water",
"a2w", "a3w", "a4w", "adjacent_to_sand_bar_state_park", "admin_pond",
"alleman", "alojamento", "altos_de_piedra", "artesia", "avilas",
"b10t", "b10w", "b1t", "b1w", "b2t", "b2w", "b3t", "b3w",
"b4t", "b4w", "b5", "b5w", "b6t", "b6w", "b7t", "b7w", "b8t",
"b8w", "b9t", "b9w", "beaver", "black_jack", "bp2", "bp4",
"bupu0039", "campana_loop", "camp_ethan_allen_pond", "camp_johnson_pond_1",
"camp_johnson_pond_2", "cerro_negro", "cerro_punta", "church",
"circle_7", "cow_pit", "cuatro_callitas", "cuchillo", "culvert_0",
"david's_pond", "davie's_playa", "davie's_playa__doug_burkett",
"deer", "doug's_office", "el_nispero", "el_valle_hotel",
"estrada", "farallon", "finca_el_hervidero", "fortuna_loop",
"gamboa", "garcia_well", "guabal", "hatchery", "horse_head_ephemeral",
"horse_head_permanent", "hotel_campestre", "johnson_tank",
"jordinal", "juan_julio", "juan_lana", "kisatchie_bayou",
"kurthwood", "lago_angelim_water", "lago_anta_water", "lago_minutal_water",
"lago_sede_water", "las_yayas", "leasburg_dam_state_park,_bridge",
"mata_ahogado", "medina", "miguel_de_la_borda", "natural_area_close_to_vt01_and_vt02",
"newt", "north_beach_pond", "olho_de_agua", "omar_torrijos",
"paseo_del_rio", "pena_blanca", "phelps_pond", "pine", "pirapitinga",
"poça_temporária_water", "rabbit_stream", "rana_dorada",
"range_road12", "red_tank", "red_tank_2", "rhodes_spring",
"rio_blanco", "rio_maria", "rio_marta", "rio_tigrero", "roadside_ditch_bude2026",
"rouse_tank", "rv_pond", "sargentita", "shelbourne_bay",
"shelbourne_pond", "sink", "solomon_lane", "sophia_stream",
"sora", "speamulti2237", "trilha_land", "tryon_weber", "tuttle_pond",
"vorisek_pond", "west", "wood_lab_pond"), list()), type = c("shiny.action",
"", "", "", "", "", "shiny.matrix", "", "", "", "", "", "", "",
"", "", "", ""), binding = c("shiny.actionButtonInput", "", "",
"", "", "", "", "", "", "shinyWidgets.pickerInput", "", "", "",
"", "", "", "shinyWidgets.pickerInput", "")), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA,
18L)), outputs = structure(list(name = c("site_map", "cap_table"
), timestamp = c("2023-05-04 08:29:42.950-0700", "2023-05-04 08:29:36.410-0700"
), binding = c("leaflet", "datatables")), class = "data.frame", row.names = 1:2),
session = structure(list(app = "ribbitr_datarepository",
user = "shiny", server_connected = "2023-05-04 15:29:28.742+0000",
sessionid = "5f73950379b2b7a15e3999df602fe6dc", server_disconnected = "2023-05-04 15:30:06.477+0000",
user_agent = "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",
screen_res = "1920x1080", browser_res = "1708x894", pixel_ratio = 1L,
browser_connected = "2023-05-04 08:29:35.074-0700"), class = "data.frame", row.names = 1L)))
I think @MrFlick’s questions are appropriate to answer first. But if you want to, for example, see which input/outputs the user interacts with over time, then you could do something like the following.
This plot could use a lot of polishing like rearranging the repelled text. It also doesn’t provide information about the value of the inputs, which are nested within the inputs data frame. Hopefully, the basic idea is clear.
A way to unfold the list is to access each element and put these in a matrix of data frames.
Access elements either with the index number or the row names