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I need to Add Credit Card details in to Vault Programmatically (BrainTree) in Magento 2.1.5

Basically what i want is After LoginIn there will be a separate section for Saved Cards . In that Customer is used to Add/edit/delete All his Credit card details.

the Below Code is used to list all the Credit Card saved by the Customer

 use MagentoVaultApiPaymentTokenManagementInterface;
 use MagentoCustomerModelSession;


 // Get the customer id (currently logged in user)
 $customerId = $this->session->getCustomer()->getId();

 // Card list
 $cardList = $this->paymentTokenManagement->getListByCustomerId($customerId);

Now what i want is how to Add the Card Details to the Vault ?

Below is the Code to Add card in core php

 $result = Braintree_Customer::create(array(
            'firstName' => 'first name',
            'lastName' => 'last name',
            'company' => 'company',
            'email' => '[email protected]',
            'phone' => '1234567890',
            'creditCard' => array(
                'cardholderName' => 'xxx xxx',
                'number' => '4000 0000 0000 0002 ',
                'expirationMonth' => '10',
                'expirationYear' => 2020,
                'cvv' => '123',
                'billingAddress' => array(
                    'firstName' => 'My First name',
                    'lastName' => 'My Last name'

But how can i do this same process in magento 2.

Thanks for the help



  1. First, you have to create a payment token from the card data:

    use MagentoVaultModelCreditCardTokenFactory;
    $paymentToken = $this->creditCardTokenFactory->create();
    $paymentToken->setExpiresAt('Y-m-d 00:00:00');
      'type'              => 'Visa',
      'maskedCC'          => '1111',
      'expirationDate'    => '06/2019'

    Then you can save the payment token:

    use MagentoVaultApiPaymentTokenRepositoryInterface;

    This is just an example you can start with. In a real world situation, you would also want to check that the token doesn’t already exist, an also try a payment authorisation on the card to make sure it’s actually usable and valid.

    In order to check if a payment token exists or not, you can use this:

    use MagentoVaultApiPaymentTokenManagementInterface;
    $this->paymentTokenManagement->getByPublicHash( $paymentToken->getPublicHash(), $paymentToken->getCustomerId() );

    You can have a look at the core Magento 2 classes mentioned here to know more about the functions available for payment token handling.
    Good luck!

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  2. Replace objectManager when use in projects

    use MagentoFrameworkEncryptionEncryptorInterface;
    use MagentoTestFrameworkHelperBootstrap;
    use MagentoVaultModelAccountPaymentTokenFactory;
    use MagentoVaultModelPaymentToken;
    use MagentoVaultModelPaymentTokenRepository;
    /** @var EncryptorInterface $encryptor */
    $encryptor = $objectManager->get(EncryptorInterface::class);
    /** @var PaymentToken $paymentToken */
    $paymentToken = $objectManager->create(PaymentToken::class);
        ->setTokenDetails(json_encode(['payerEmail' => '[email protected]']))
        ->setExpiresAt(date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime('+1 year')));
    /** @var PaymentTokenRepository $tokenRepository */
    $tokenRepository = $objectManager->create(PaymentTokenRepository::class);
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