I need to change mini-cart in our theme that falls back to magento 2 luna theme to show it using hover instead of click.
So I have copied
Edited the file:
<div class="block block-minicart empty"
"triggerEvent" : "hover",
"timeout": "2000",
"closeOnMouseLeave": true,
"closeOnEscape": true,
Cleared cache, flushed cache, refreshed cache types, cleared static content, deleted everything generated and cached from /var…
Then I re-run static content deploy. Enabled template path hints which shows that minicart.phtml is loaded from:
So it’s fine. But on the website the changes has not take change. So I have checked the
Changes of the file are not there. So I have made more changes (added some html)… Cleared cache, flushed cache, refreshed cache types, cleared static content, deleted everything generated and cached from /var…
Then I re-run static content deploy.
Still no changes on the website.
When I changed something in Mage_Catalog or other modules everything just worked fine.
I am using Magento 2.1.5
Thank you for any possible solutions, ideas,…
Problem is solved, don't know how, but I have re-done today again the full process of clearing cache, re-compiling... and it started to work.
You need to run commands:
Hope it might be useful.