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I am just trying to prepend and append a certain string to Apache responses matching certain filetypes. I thought mod_substitute would do the job, but it errors out all the time with: AH01328: Line too long.

This is what my directive looks like:

<Location "/src">
    AddType application/javascript .txt .tpl
    AddOutputFilter SUBSTITUTE tpl txt
    SubstituteMaxLineLength 10m
    Substitute "s/([sS]*)/export default `$1`/i"

As you can see I also tried to up the limit on SubstituteMaxLineLength, but that seems to have no effects.

Any idea what I am doing wrong, or is there another option to solve this seemingly easy (well, apparently not so) task?



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    Got it resolved by using mod_sed, FYI:

    # this converts the specified file type(s) into ES6 modules by
    # wrapping the response in an "export", so it can be consumed 
    # as a regular string, for example: "import string from 'text.txt'"
    <Location "/src">
        AddType application/javascript .txt .tpl .vue
        AddOutputFilter Sed tpl vue txt
        OutputSed "1s/^/export default `/"
        OutputSed "$s/$/`/"

  2. This helped me out, was getting random HTTP error messages regarding Network Timeout / Connection Closed before looking at error_log and seeing the error on mod_substitute.

    I was able to add SubstituteMaxLineLength 10M (with the capital M) and it worked for me.


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