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I have just created my first modal using the bootstrap code, i have all the information i want to display sorted out but the ‘read more’ link always points to the first modal. I understand i am going to have to set each modal to have its own unique id i guess but im just unsure how to go about this. I’m Not to familiar with javascript which i guess i might have to get into to get this working properly.

Be really grateful for any advice

Many Thanks

    <div class="one-fourth">
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          <img src="img/Tracey.jpg" alt="Tracey Riddington" />
          <h5>Tracey Riddington<br>Manager</h5>
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                  <h4 class="modal-title" id="myModalLabel">Tracey Riddington - Manager</h4>
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                  <img class="modal-img" src="img/Tracey.jpg" alt="Tracey Riddington" />
                  <p>Manager of Fennes Shooting School for 25 years. Has been shooting for 33 years, coaching for 28 years and has shot for England 12 times.Qualified CPSA Coach (Life Member) APSI (Fellow Member).<br><br>Manager of Fennes Shooting School for 25 years. Has been shooting for 33 years, coaching for 28 years and has shot for England 12 times.Qualified CPSA Coach (Life Member) APSI (Fellow Member). Manager of Fennes Shooting School for 25 years. Has been shooting for 33 years, coaching for 28 years and has shot for England 12 times.Qualified CPSA Coach (Life Member) APSI (Fellow Member).<br><br>Manager of Fennes Shooting School for 25 years. Has been shooting for 33 years, coaching for 28 years and has shot for England 12 times.Qualified CPSA Coach (Life Member) APSI (Fellow Member).Manager of Fennes Shooting School for 25 years. Has been shooting for 33 years, coaching for 28 years and has shot for England 12 times.<br><br>Qualified CPSA Coach (Life Member) APSI (Fellow Member).</p>

      <div class="one-fourth">
        <div class="image-bg">
          <img src="img/KevinLock.jpeg" alt="Kevin Lock" />
          <h5>Kevin Lock<br>Grounds Manager</h5>
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  1. change the id of second one to myModal2
    and the value of data-target in second read more add myModal2

    <div class="one-fourth">
        <div class="image-bg">
          <img src="img/Tracey.jpg" alt="Tracey Riddington" />
          <h5>Tracey Riddington<br>Manager</h5>
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                  <h4 class="modal-title" id="myModalLabel">Tracey Riddington - Manager</h4>
                <div class="modal-body">
                  <img class="modal-img" src="img/Tracey.jpg" alt="Tracey Riddington" />
                  <p>Manager of Fennes Shooting School for 25 years. Has been shooting for 33 years, coaching for 28 years and has shot for England 12 times.Qualified CPSA Coach (Life Member) APSI (Fellow Member).<br><br>Manager of Fennes Shooting School for 25 years. Has been shooting for 33 years, coaching for 28 years and has shot for England 12 times.Qualified CPSA Coach (Life Member) APSI (Fellow Member). Manager of Fennes Shooting School for 25 years. Has been shooting for 33 years, coaching for 28 years and has shot for England 12 times.Qualified CPSA Coach (Life Member) APSI (Fellow Member).<br><br>Manager of Fennes Shooting School for 25 years. Has been shooting for 33 years, coaching for 28 years and has shot for England 12 times.Qualified CPSA Coach (Life Member) APSI (Fellow Member).Manager of Fennes Shooting School for 25 years. Has been shooting for 33 years, coaching for 28 years and has shot for England 12 times.<br><br>Qualified CPSA Coach (Life Member) APSI (Fellow Member).</p>
       <div class="one-fourth">
        <div class="image-bg">
          <img src="img/KevinLock.jpeg" alt="Kevin Lock" />
          <h5>Kevin Lock<br>Grounds Manager</h5>
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                  <h4 class="modal-title" id="myModalLabel">Kevin Lock - Grounds Manager</h4>
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                  <img class="modal-img" src="img/KevinLock.jpeg" alt="Kevin Lock" />
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  2. I have modified your code.. please check this

    <div class="one-fourth">
            <div class="image-bg">
              <img src="img/Tracey.jpg" alt="Tracey Riddington" />
              <h5>Tracey Riddington<br>Manager</h5>
              <!-- Button trigger modal -->
              <button type="button" class="btn btn-primary btn-lg" name="first" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#myModal">Read More</button>
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                      <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" aria-label="Close"><span aria-hidden="true">&times;</span></button>
                      <h4 class="modal-title" id="myModalLabel">Tracey Riddington - Manager</h4>
                    <div class="modal-body">
                      <img class="modal-img" src="img/Tracey.jpg" alt="Tracey Riddington" />
                      <p>Manager of Fennes Shooting School for 25 years. Has been shooting for 33 years, coaching for 28 years and has shot for England 12 times.Qualified CPSA Coach (Life Member) APSI (Fellow Member).<br><br>Manager of Fennes Shooting School for 25 years. Has been shooting for 33 years, coaching for 28 years and has shot for England 12 times.Qualified CPSA Coach (Life Member) APSI (Fellow Member). Manager of Fennes Shooting School for 25 years. Has been shooting for 33 years, coaching for 28 years and has shot for England 12 times.Qualified CPSA Coach (Life Member) APSI (Fellow Member).<br><br>Manager of Fennes Shooting School for 25 years. Has been shooting for 33 years, coaching for 28 years and has shot for England 12 times.Qualified CPSA Coach (Life Member) APSI (Fellow Member).Manager of Fennes Shooting School for 25 years. Has been shooting for 33 years, coaching for 28 years and has shot for England 12 times.<br><br>Qualified CPSA Coach (Life Member) APSI (Fellow Member).</p>
          <div class="one-fourth">
            <div class="image-bg">
              <img src="img/KevinLock.jpeg" alt="Kevin Lock" />
              <h5>Kevin Lock<br>Grounds Manager</h5>
              <!-- Button trigger modal -->
              <button type="button" class="btn btn-primary btn-lg" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#myModal1">Read More</button>
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                      <h4 class="modal-title" id="myModalLabel">Kevin Lock - Grounds Manager</h4>
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                      <img class="modal-img" src="img/KevinLock.jpeg" alt="Kevin Lock" />
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  3. You are using same id (i.e id="myModal") for both the modals. Note that id should be a unique value.

    1. Change the data-target="#myModal" attribute in second button to data-target="#myModal2"

    2. Also change the id="myModal" of second modal to id="myModal2".

    Updated fiddle

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