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I have a table that contains IDs.

| id |
|  1 |
|  2 |
|  3 |
|  4 |
|  6 |
|  9 |
|  7 |
| 10 |

Number 5 and number 8 are not in the table.
I want to select only those rows from the table



  1. If you want the missing ids, one option is a recursive query to generate the number list, and then not exists (this requires MySQL 8.0):

    with cte as (
        select min(id) id, max(id) max_id from mytable
        union all 
        select id + 1, max_id from cte where id < max_id
    from cte c
    where not exists (select 1 from mytable t where =
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  2. You can get the gaps by looking at the previous row. If your table is not too large:

    select (t.prev_id + 1) as first_missing,
           ( - 1) as last_missing,
           ( - t.prev_id - 1) as cnt
    from (select t.*,
                 (select max( 
                  from t t2
                  where <
                 ) as prev_id
          from t
         ) t
    where t.prev_id <> - 1;

    Actually splitting this out into separate rows is tricky in earlier versions of MySQL unless you have a number or tally table.

    If your data is large, you can use variables instead:

    select (t.prev_id + 1) as first_missing,
           ( - 1) as last_missing,
           ( - t.prev_id - 1) as cnt
    from (select t.*,
                 (case when (@temp := @prev) = null
                       then null  -- never happens
                       when (@prev := id) = null       
                       then null  -- never happens
                       else @temp
                   end) as prev_id
          from (select t.* from t order by id) t cross join
               (select @prev := -1) params
         ) t
    where t.prev_id <> - 1;
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  3. SELECT MIN(id) - 1 id
    FROM ( SELECT id, id - @group_number:=@group_number + 1 group_number
           FROM test, (SELECT @group_number := 0) init_variable
           ORDER BY id ) subquery
    GROUP BY group_number
    HAVING id;


    If there is a lot of consecutive lost numbers only the last one will be returned.

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