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I have the following query params in string format

$query =  '->whereIn('short_code', ["9999"])->whereBetween('request_timestamp', [request('startTime'), request('endTime')])';

How do i pass it to the eloquent? Am trying to achieve something like this


Am getting the error below

Property [->whereIn('short_code', ["9999"])->whereBetween('request_timestamp', [request('startTime'), request('endTime')])] does not exist on the Eloquent builder instance. 



  1. The problem with the above query is that it looks like this

    InboundMessage::query()->->whereIn('short_code', ["9999"])..

    Since you have put -> in both the query builder and the $query string. So just adjust your $query to

    $query = 'whereIn('short_code', ["9999"])->whereBetween('request_timestamp', [request('startTime'), request('endTime')])';
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  2. It will be something like this (not tested) using raw DB expressions:

    $query = DB::table('tableName')
    ->whereRaw('columnName IN ["9999"] AND columnName BETWEEN value1 AND value2')
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