I am using Redis
as a centralized in-memory data storage between different distributions of applications.
When all distributions of my application operate on the same key, I am afraid that a concurrency situation could occur. Take this example:
alive_distributions = redis.hmget('alive_distributions') # {"Charlie1": 1623234874}
alive_distributions[THIS_DISTRIBUTION_NAME] = int(time.time()) # {"Charlie1": 1623234874,"Alpha1": 1623234875}
redis.hmset('alive_machines', alive_distributions)
If Charlie1 gets updated in-between Alpha1‘s hmget
and hmset
operation, it would result in data inconsistency.
How can I perform a safe, transaction-like update of a dictionary without concurrency?
Redis supports transactions and I would specifically look into the check-and-set section of the documentation. Optimistic locking it’s what you need.
Update #1
as your redis client you could do something like this:The operation you are interested in may be wrapped in a MULTI/EXEC transaction in order to make sure both fields are updated or none.
The command itslef that you need is the zadd command. In fact with the zadd comand you can preset values to be indexed (updated) automatically after a period of time.