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For a Telegram bot that I am building I want to return inline buttons dynamically depending the returned PHP PDO recordset Telegram API docs.

Hardcoded a good function piece of code looks like the below.
This is confirmed working. It return two rows of buttons. The first row containing two buttons, the second row two buttons.

$reply  = "Some message to show before the buttons";
$keyb   = array('inline_keyboard' => array(
                array('text'=>'Link text', 'callback_data'=>'/command'),
                array('text'=>"Link text", 'callback_data'=>'/command')
                array('text'=>'Link text', 'callback_data'=>'/command'),
                array('text'=>'Link text', 'callback_data'=>'/command')

$replyMarkup = json_encode($keyb);
sendMessage($chatID, $reply, $replyMarkup);

So far so good.
But now I want to populate these buttons dynamically given a PHP recordset.

The below does return the desired buttons, but I do not know how I can specify a cut-off point after two buttons to create the second row. In the format below all buttons end up on a single row. Even if the recordset returns 5 results.

$reply  = "Some message to show before the buttons";

// Loop through all results to create individual buttons
foreach ($stmt as $row) 
    $options[] = array('text'=>urlencode($row['title']), 'callback_data'=>'/x');

$keyb           = array('inline_keyboard' => array( $options ));
$replyMarkup    = json_encode($keyb);
sendMessage($chatID, $reply, $replyMarkup);

I considered using an if statement with modulo operator ($i%2=1), but do not know how to cope with the parent array() that defines the row…

    $options[]="array("; // <-- Setting an array as a value will obviously fail
... remaining code

Happy to hear any thoughts that might help me on my way!




  1. This should do the trick:

    $stmt = array(
                array('title'=>'Link text1', 'callback_data'=>'/command'),
                array('title'=>"Link text2", 'callback_data'=>'/command'),
                array('title'=>'Link text3', 'callback_data'=>'/command'),
                array('title'=>'Link text4', 'callback_data'=>'/command'),
                array('title'=>'Link text5', 'callback_data'=>'/command')
    foreach ($stmt as $row)
        // here's the trick: $options[$r][]
        $options[$r][] = array('text'=>urlencode($row['title']), 'callback_data'=>'/x');
        if($i===2) { // if counter at row 3
            $r++; // increase row index here
            $i=0; // reset counter
    // for debugging only:
    echo "<pre>";
    echo "</pre>";
                                            // note the change here
    $keyb           = array('inline_keyboard' => $options);

    The version of @abfackeln (what a username if you understand german..) is acutally nicer, because he uses modulus and doesn’t reset the counter.

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  2. Forgive me here, I must jump in and shout:


    to the other answers.

    PHP already provides a function that can break an array into “chunks” called array_chunk(). Do NOT use incrementing and modulus conditions to generate keys, use this one function.

    Code (Demo):

    $stmt = array(
                array('title'=>'Link ? text1', 'callback_data'=>'/x'),
                array('title'=>"Link & text2", 'callback_data'=>'/x'),
                array('title'=>'Link # text3', 'callback_data'=>'/x'),
                array('title'=>'Link * text4', 'callback_data'=>'/x'),
                array('title'=>'Link @ text5', 'callback_data'=>'/x')
    // prepare the subarrays using resultset
    foreach($stmt as $row){
    // then chunk into pairs, assign key, json encode --> DONE


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