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I was testing my php application on My wampServer (localhost) and its ALL works!
But, when i uploaded this same application to my webserver i got this inssue:

PHP Fatal error: require_once(): Failed opening required ‘util/DB_Connect.php’ (include_path=’.:/opt/cpanel/ea-php70/root/usr/share/pear’) in /home/th27664/ on line 5

I have no idea why, because its the same files that i used to my localhost application

Here is part of my code:

<body class="animsition">

        require_once 'header.php';
    require 'controller/controllerProduto.php';
        require 'controller/ControllerEmitente.php';
        $controle = new ControllerProduto();
        $ControleEmitente = new ControllerEmitente();

Important Detail: My header.php file is on the same folder of this file.

Thank you, very much!



  1. Please try to use either root relative url like,

    require_once ‘/home/youraccount/public_htm/yourdirectory/header.php’

    or absolute url like

    require_once ‘

    Don’t use document relative url.

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  2. maybe the problem is in the .htaccess file. If you use html extension files and write inside on php, in .htaccess you should add:
    AddType application / x-httpd-php5 .html

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  3. I modified the system default config (yaml below) for php-fpm in cPanel to set the php open_basedir as a security measure. Since doing that, I also got the include_path error you had.

    To fix, add this:

      name: php_value[include_path]
      value: "[% documentroot %]"

    Mind the indentation.



    Then, for good measure, I force WHM to rehandle the file by using the WHM steps:

    1. Home »Software »MultiPHP Manager (System PHP-FPM Configuration Tab)
    2. Change Max Requests by 1 (up or down) then scroll down and hit Save Configuration
    3. Home »Restart Services »PHP-FPM service for Apache (restart the service)

    Hope that helps!

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