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I wanted to set automatic links with tags and I wonder how to make it happen so I don’t have to write every case for the site.

I have Polish and English versions of the same site, but I have a problem with the web address.
For example I have sites like this: – Polish one
and – English one

How to make it to separate the web address into string and if it is on the Polish site to embed “en” between tech/…/privacy-policy, and how to delete it when I’m on English one?
I know that $_SERVER[‘REQUEST_URI’]; shows me web address in PHP but I don’t know how manipulate it in this certain way.

Is it possible to search for “/tech/” for futher web adresses like https:/ to search for this word and delete “en” if it’s English site redirecting to Polish one and add one if it’s the opposite side?



  1. You can use includes method of Javascript:

    function changeSiteLanguage() {
        var url = window.location.href;
        if (url.includes("/tech/en/")) {
            url = url.replace("/tech/en/", "/tech/")
        } else if (url.includes("/tech/")) {
            url = url.replace("/tech/", "/tech/en/")
        // reload window with new URL 

    Test Cases:

    var url1 = "";
    if (url1.includes("/tech/en/")) {
        url1 = url1.replace("/tech/en/", "/tech/")
    } else if (url1.includes("/tech/")) {
        url1 = url1.replace("/tech/", "/tech/en/")
    var url2 = "";
    if (url2.includes("/tech/en/")) {
        url2 = url2.replace("/tech/en/", "/tech/")
    } else if (url2.includes("/tech/")) {
        url2 = url2.replace("/tech/", "/tech/en/")
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  2. Here’s a way to do it using javascript:

    var url = document.createElement('a');
    url.href = '';
    var pathArray = url.pathname.split("/");
    var newPathPolish = "";
    var newPathEnglish = "";
    function checkPath(urlPath) {
    	return urlPath === "tech";
    //Add en in the path if it doesn't exist
    if (!pathArray.includes("en")) {
    	indexAfter = pathArray.findIndex(checkPath) + 1;
    	pathArray.splice(indexAfter, 0, "en");
    //Loop through the path creating the new paths
    for (var i = 0; i < pathArray.length; i = i + 1)
    	if (pathArray[i] !== "en") {
    	  newPathPolish += pathArray[i] + '/';
    	newPathEnglish += pathArray[i] + '/';
    console.log("Polish version: " + url.origin + newPathPolish);
    console.log("English version: " + url.origin + newPathEnglish);
    Login or Signup to reply.
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