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I’m having some trouble getting authentication working 100% in Laravel (all views seem to work so far except for "home") and was hoping to get some assistance from the Laravel experts out there.

A bit of background info:

  • PHP Version: 7.3.11
  • Laravel Version: 8.13.0
  • Used Composer to build the ui scaffolding (composer require laravel/ui)
  • Used the Bootstrap ui option (php artisan ui bootstrap --auth)

The issue

As mentioned above, I seem to be able to access all of the generated authentication views so far (login, register & the password reset views), however after registering with a dummy account I get the following error when trying to access the "home" view:


Function () does not exist

The Stack trace is pointing to the following file:


namespace IlluminateRouting;

use IlluminateSupportReflector;
use IlluminateSupportStr;
use ReflectionFunction;
use ReflectionMethod;

class RouteSignatureParameters
     * Extract the route action's signature parameters.
     * @param  array  $action
     * @param  string|null  $subClass
     * @return array
    public static function fromAction(array $action, $subClass = null)
        $parameters = is_string($action['uses'])
                        ? static::fromClassMethodString($action['uses'])
                        : (new ReflectionFunction($action['uses']))->getParameters();

        return is_null($subClass) ? $parameters : array_filter($parameters, function ($p) use ($subClass) {
            return Reflector::isParameterSubclassOf($p, $subClass);

     * Get the parameters for the given class / method by string.
     * @param  string  $uses
     * @return array
    protected static function fromClassMethodString($uses)
        [$class, $method] = Str::parseCallback($uses);

        if (! method_exists($class, $method) && Reflector::isCallable($class, $method)) {
            return [];

        return (new ReflectionMethod($class, $method))->getParameters();

With the following line (line 23) being highlighted as the error:

: (new ReflectionFunction($action['uses']))->getParameters();

And here are the routes used in the "web.php" file:


use IlluminateSupportFacadesRoute;

| Web Routes
| Here is where you can register web routes for your application. These
| routes are loaded by the RouteServiceProvider within a group which
| contains the "web" middleware group. Now create something great!

Route::get('/', function () {
    return view('welcome', ['pageTitle' => 'Home']);

Route::get('/services', function () {
    return view('services', ['pageTitle' => 'Services']);

Route::get('/contact', function () {
    return view('contact', ['pageTitle' => 'Contact']);


Route::get('/home', ['pageTitle' => 'Client Dashboard'], [AppHttpControllersHomeController::class, 'index'])->name('home');

After a bit of googling I’ve learnt that the method I’m trying to use to setup authentication has been deprecated and it is now advised to use Jetstream or Fortify, however I also found a few examples of people still managing to use this old method in their projects:

As this is my first ever Laravel project I was really trying to just stick with the basics and not over complicate things for myself which is why I chose not to use Jetstream or Fortify and tried to stick to this older approach of setting up authentication. However I’ve been stuck on this for a couple of hours now and have not been able to figure out what’s going wrong which is why I’m now seeking some help with it.

Happy to provide extra details/project code if needed – any help I can get with this would be really appreciated.

Btw, this also happens to be my first ever post on StackOverflow so any feedback on my question or advice on how I can improve it would also be greatly appreciated.





  1. Adjust your last route to include some type of ‘action’, by removing that second argument (as it only takes 2 arguments):

    Route::get('/home', [AppHttpControllersHomeController::class, 'index'])->name('home');
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  2. I was getting the same error when making a simple route.

    Route::get("/test", [ListPagesController::class, "index"]);

    This was my code in the web.php file and I was routing my blade file in views via the controller.
    When I later redirected it directly to web.php this way without using a controller, the problem was resolved.

    Route::get("/test", function () {return view("main");});

    I don’t quite understand why but the problem is solved.

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  3. You Should add it in line 2 web.php
    use AppHttpControllersYourControllerName;

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  4. For me, I changed:

    Route::get('/branch/',  [Controller::class, 'get_branch_list'])->name('branch');


    Route::get('/branch/',  'Controller@get_branch_list')->name('branch');
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  5. I have changed the web.php file.

    I was getting the same error when using the following route:


    Changing the route using this code fixed the problem:


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  6. I have encountered the same issue with me here is my web.php code for the route is





    The issue is that I am not writing the function name ‘postData‘in the square
    brackets "[]" as I have written them outside the square brackets You
    can check in the Correct code so be careful in writing the Route.

    Maybe someone encountered the same issue as me so it will be helpful for them

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