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So I tried to make these following two tables with phpmyadmin.

create table category (
catId int identity(1,1),
catName varchar(20),

Constraint pk_category

create table subcategory (
subCatId INT IDENTITY(1,1),
catId INT,
subCatName VARCHAR(20),

CONSTRAINT pk_subcategory
PRIMARY KEY(catId,subCatId),

CONSTRAINT fk_subcat_cat
REFERENCES category(catId))

When creating the subcategory it shows this query error:

1075 – Incorrect table definition; there can be only one auto column and it must be defined as a key .

There aren’t two auto incremented columns in subcategory table, only the ‘subCatId’ is. What should be done?



  1. You appear to be using SQL Server syntax, but run against MySQL. Use the correct syntax and it should work:

    CREATE TABLE category (
        catName VARCHAR(20),
        PRIMARY KEY (catId)
    CREATE TABLE subcategory (
        catId INT,
        subCatName VARCHAR(20),
        FOREIGN KEY (catId) REFERENCES category (catId),
        PRIMARY KEY (subCatId)

    IDENTITY in SQL Server roughly corresponds to AUTO_INCREMENT in MySQL.

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  2. It is only available for the MyISAM Storage Engine Only one numeric
    auto_increment value is allowed. Each auto_increment must be have
    associated column to define uniqueness from other auto_increment
    values within the same table.

    This ref link may hep you more about this.

    Don’t do that, don’t have a second auto incremented column at all. Do you really need a second auto incremented value? What for? A
    description of the actual problem you are trying to solve would help
    others help you better. I think you have only told here how you tried
    to solve a problem and not what the actual problem is.

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  3. This is what MySQL states

    There can be only one AUTO_INCREMENT column per table, it must be
    indexed, and it cannot have a DEFAULT value. An AUTO_INCREMENT column
    works properly only if it contains only positive values. Inserting a
    negative number is regarded as inserting a very large positive number.
    This is done to avoid precision problems when numbers “wrap” over from
    positive to negative and also to ensure that you do not accidentally
    get an AUTO_INCREMENT column that contains 0.

    So according to your requirement you’ve following choices.

    • Make subCatId as Primary Key
    • Or Make the column as Unique
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  4. You have

    Constraint pk_category
    PRIMARY KEY(catId)

    Instead, just say

    PRIMARY KEY(catId)
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