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When I issue get-service command, I get the entire list of services.

I want to list only a specific service.

The service in question is being listed in the output of get-service:

Running  nginx              nginx

But if I try to use any of the following:

PS C:Usersx> get-service | Select-String "nginx"
PS C:Usersx> get-service | Select-String -Pattern "nginx"
PS C:Usersx> get-service | Select-String -Pattern 'nginx'

I get no output.

So how do I "grep" in Powershell?



  1. This should do it

    Get-Service -Name "nginx"
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  2. An essential thing to note is that PowerShell cmdlets always output objects, not simple strings – even when the output seems to be a string, it is really a System.String object. You can check the type of the output of a command (and the associated properties and methods) using Get-Member:

    Get-Service | Get-Member
       TypeName: System.ServiceProcess.ServiceController
    Name                      MemberType    Definition
    ----                      ----------    ----------
    Name                      AliasProperty Name = ServiceName
    RequiredServices          AliasProperty RequiredServices = ServicesDependedOn
    Disposed                  Event         System.EventHandler Disposed(System.Object, System.EventArgs)
    Close                     Method        void Close()
    Continue                  Method        void Continue()

    As mentioned by others, Get-Service (and other cmdlets) has built-in filtering for what you’re trying to do, but a more general alternative, which is more flexible (though often slower) is Where-Object:

    Get-Service | Where-Object {$_.Name -like 's*' -and $_.Status -eq 'Running'}
    Status   Name               DisplayName
    ------   ----               -----------
    Running  SamSs              Security Accounts Manager
    Running  SCardSvr           Smart Card
    Running  Schedule           Task Scheduler
    Running  SecurityHealthS... Windows Security Service
    Running  SENS               System Event Notification Service
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