After re-index process, products are not displaying in category page.I try many possibility to solve this but not get solution.
After re-index process, products are not displaying in category page.I try many possibility to solve this but not get solution.
I got the solution for this problem. Magento didn't get placeholder image.
I see that in /pub/media/catalog/product/, no path define for placeholder image. that's why the product is not displayed in category page in my case.
I put an image in /pub/media/catalog/product/images/placeholder/image.jpg
This is work for me properly.
Check any modules you have installed. We experienced the same issue after upgrading to 2.2.2. After a lot of investigation, we found the issue was with Magestore Inventory Management. Disabling the module restored normal Magento behaviour.
Recommend you disable additional modules, starting with those that may impact products/categories (module:disable). Then setup:upgrade, setup:di:compile, indexer:reindex, cache:clean and see if listings are restored.
If after disabling a module the issue is resolved, re-enable it and see if it comes back (module:enable followed by the other commands).