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I am wondering how I could store/read out a user chat ID to later send them messages.

Example would be, that the user is adding my telegram bot and sends him a message.
Later on in my program at some point, when a sepcific situation occurs, I want to send a message to the specific user.

For a simple example I have this code:


if a > b:
     # at this point python should send a message to a user via telegram privat chat

    # send a different message

I know how to handle a response to a command sent by the user in the telegram chat, but not how to send a message to a user without receiving a command first. I think there fore I would need to have a way to store the users chat Id first to later refer to that Id when sending the message.

The point is I want to compile my program to .exe later on and send it to some friends and it should work for them as well.



  1. You can simply add the id in a list WHITOUT ANY THIRD PARTS PAKAGE

    import telebot
    TOKEN = ""
    bot = telebot.TeleBot(TOKEN)
    admin = # your chat id
    users = []
    def start_message(msg):
        bot.send_message(, 'Welcome!')
        if not in users: # if the id isn't already in the users list
    @bot.message_handler(commands=['send_at_all']) # A way to use the list
    def sendAtAll(msg):
        if == admin: # only if YOU start the command the message will be sent
            for id in users: # for every user that has start the bot
                bot.send_message(id, "I'm sending this message at all the users")
    # If an user wants to stop the notifications...
    def sendAtAll(msg):
        del users[]
        bot.send_message(, "If you want to receive the notification click /start")
    # Every time you are going to restart the bot polling the content of the users list will be deleated so...
    def sendAtAll(msg):
        if == admin:
            bot.send_message(admin, users) 
    # the list will be sent to your telegram chat, when you activate the bot you can add the list manually

    You can also create a class and save every chat id as an object

    import telebot
    from random import choice
    TOKEN = ''
    bot = telebot.TeleBot(TOKEN)
    admin = # your chat id
    users = []
    class Userbot: # The class User is already in the pyTelegramBotAPI
        def __init__(self, msg):
            self.username = '@' + msg.from_user.username
        def contestWinner(self):
            text = f'Hi {self.username}, you have win!!!'
            bot.send_message(, text)
    def start(msg):
        bot.send_message(, 'Welcome!')
        for el in users: 
            if not in
    # you can't type 'if not in' because only the object inside the list can use the method id
    @bot.message_handler(commands=['extract']) # another way to use the list
    def extract(msg):
        if == admin:
            winner = choice(users)
    def sendAtAll(msg):
        for el in users: 
            if ==
                del users[el]
        # only if the user inside the object is the same as the user that has sent the message the object will be deleated
        bot.send_message(, "If you want to receive the notification click /start")
    def sendAtAll(msg):
        if == admin:
            bot.send_message(admin, users)

    Apologise for my terrible english

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  2. It is very easy, just use a simple database.
    MongoDB is the best choose in my opinion.
    Create an account on it and follow this tutorial.

    First get the user_id

    userid1 = str(update.message.chat_id)

    Then store it into the database

        import pymongo
        from pymongo import MongoClient
        cluster = MongoClient("mongodb+srv://<user>:<password>")
        db = cluster["users"]
        collection = db["users"]
        results = collection.find({"_id": int(userid1)})
        if results.count() == 0:
            post = {"_id": int(userid1)}
            print("User already in the database!")

    For getting it you need to use the find() method.

    results = collection.find()
        for result in results:
            var1 = (result["_id"])
                                     text = "Hi")
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