I like to do an SSE with the response of redis.subscribe in quarkus.
I have a sample from the quarkus-quickstart for a simple SSE
public Multi<String> greeting(@org.jboss.resteasy.annotations.jaxrs.PathParam String name) {
return Multi.createFrom().publisher(vertx.periodicStream(2000).toMulti())
.map(l -> String.format("Hello %s! (%s)%n", name, new Date()));
This work well, every 2 seconds I received the Hello …. in my web browser
Now I try to subscribe to Redis, so I should receive the message from Redis.
Redis sample :
(cmd window 1)
SUBSCRIBE message-channel
Reading messages... (press Ctrl-C to quit)
1) "subscribe"
2) "message-channel"
3) (integer) 1
(cmd window 2)
PUBLISH message-channel HelloWorld
(integer) 1
(cmd window 1)
1) "message"
2) "message-channel"
3) "HelloWorld"
Now I try this with quarkus SSE:
ReactiveRedisClient reactiveRedisClient;
public Multi<String> redissse() {
List<String> subscriberList = new ArrayList();
return reactiveRedisClient.subscribe(subscriberList)
.onItem().transformToMulti(keys -> Multi.createFrom().iterable(keys))
what I received was an exception:
WARNING [io.ver.red.cli.imp.RedisConnectionImpl] (vert.x-eventloop-thread-0) No handler waiting for message: [subscribe, message-channel, 1]
Could anyone support me?
Is there a simple example?
I have no clue about it, I can’t receive Redis messages with "subscribe" publish.
any suggestions…
Now I do the following:
Now it works, but If I do SSE from more than browsers they share the events. So only one of each received an event after each other consumer (browser).
I haven’t used Redis pub-sub, but I did use Redis streams and what I had to do was something like this:
I guess since pub-sub is non-blocking, it runs once then it doesn’t wait till another message arrives. You have to implement your own
loop in a reactive way.