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I feel this is should be easy but I’m stuck. What’s the best way to map a route and have it point to specific url?

User types/click and it will get[]=1

I don’t want to redirect to ?category[]=1 though. I want to make it SEO friendly.



  1. Use the friendly_id gem.

    Here is an example o how it could work:

    class Category < ActiveRecord::Base
      extend FriendlyId
      friendly_id :name
    @category = Category.friendly.find "category-name"   
    redirect_to @category # the URL will be /category/category-name
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  2. If I understood your question correctly, you want to show the category when user types in

    Add this in your config/routes.rb:

    get ‘/:category-name’, to: ‘category#show’

    This will route the request to your categoryController’s show method with the user-typed category name in the “category-name” parameter. You can handle what is displayed there (use params[:category-name] to find out the category name the user has typed in)

    Sorry for the lack of code tags, I’m on mobile.

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