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I have used npx create-react-app my-app to create a react app.

The I used npm run build to build the app and deployed it using serve -s build

I’m using a proxy server to make my app publicly available.

My httpd configs looks like below,


Whats really happening is once a request comes to http://<my public domain>/react_app I need to show my react app.

but the problem is it looks for the static files in http://<my public domain>/static/.. instead of http://<my public domain>/react_app/static/....

In my index.htmlI have set all absolute paths to relative paths as below,

<script src="./static/js/******.chunk.js"></script>
<link rel="manifest" href="./manifest.json"/>

But it didn’t fix my issue. Are there any way to solve my problem?



  1. You have to add base tag(URL):

       <base href="./react_app" target="_blank" />

    Some useful references on this – and the PUBLIC_URL

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  2. where did you store assets? If it is not the public folder, I think you should take a look at

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  3. Building for relative paths for create-react-app

    There can be two places where you could define relative path

    1) By default, Create React App produces a build assuming your app is hosted at the server root.
    To override this, specify the homepage in your package.json, for example:

      "homepage": "",

    This will let Create React App correctly infer the root path to use in the generated HTML file.

    2) If you are using react-router@^4, relative path can be set using basename

    <Router history={browserHistory} basename={'react_app'}>
      <Route path="/" component={App} />

    Hope that helps!!!

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