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I’m wondering if there is a fast on-disk key-value storage with Python bindings which supports millions of read/write calls to separate keys. My problem involves counting word co-occurrences in a very large corpora (Wikipedia), and continually updating co-occurrence counts. This involves reading and writing ~300 million values 70 times with 64 bit keys, and 64 bit values.

I can also represent my data as an upper-triangular sparse matrix with dimensions ~ 2M x 2M.

So far I have tried:

  • Redis (64GB RAM is not large enough)
  • TileDB SparseArray (no way to add to values)
  • Sqlite (way too slow)
  • LMDB (batching the 300 million read/write in transactions takes multiple hours to execute)
  • Zarr (coordinate based updating is SUPER slow)
  • Scipy .npz (can’t keep the matrices in memory for addition part)
  • sparse COO with memmapped coords and data (RAM usage is massive when adding matrices)

Right now the only solution which works well enough is LMDB, but the runtime is ~12 days which seems unreasonable since it does not feel like I’m processing that much data. Saving the sub-matrix (with ~300M values) to disk using .npz is almost instant.

Any ideas?



  1. PySpark is more useful here .

    PairFunction<String, String, String> keyData =
      new PairFunction<String, String, String>() {
      public Tuple2<String, String> call(String x) {
        return new Tuple2(x.split(" ")[0], x);

    JavaPairRDD<String, String> pairs = lines.mapToPair(keyData);

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  2. You might want to check out my project.

    pip install rocksdict

    This is a fast on-disk key-value storage based on RockDB, it can take any python object as value. I consider it to be reliable and easy to use. It has a performance that’s on par with GDBM, but it is cross-platform compared to GDBM which is only available for python on Linux.

    Below is a demo:

    from rocksdict import Rdict, Options
    path = str("./test_dict")
    # create a Rdict with default options at `path`
    db = Rdict(path)
    db[1.0] = 1
    db[1] = 1.0
    db["huge integer"] = 2343546543243564534233536434567543
    db["good"] = True
    db["bad"] = False
    db["bytes"] = b"bytes"
    db["this is a list"] = [1, 2, 3]
    db["store a dict"] = {0: 1}
    import numpy as np
    db[b"numpy"] = np.array([1, 2, 3])
    import pandas as pd
    db["a table"] = pd.DataFrame({"a": [1, 2], "b": [2, 1]})
    # close Rdict
    # reopen Rdict from disk
    db = Rdict(path)
    assert db[1.0] == 1
    assert db[1] == 1.0
    assert db["huge integer"] == 2343546543243564534233536434567543
    assert db["good"] == True
    assert db["bad"] == False
    assert db["bytes"] == b"bytes"
    assert db["this is a list"] == [1, 2, 3]
    assert db["store a dict"] == {0: 1}
    assert np.all(db[b"numpy"] == np.array([1, 2, 3]))
    assert np.all(db["a table"] == pd.DataFrame({"a": [1, 2], "b": [2, 1]}))
    # iterate through all elements
    for k, v in db.items():
        print(f"{k} -> {v}")
    # batch get:
    print(db[["good", "bad", 1.0]])
    # [True, False, 1]
    # delete Rdict from dict
    del db
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  3. Have a look at Plyvel, which is a python interface to LevelDB.

    I used it successfully several years ago, and both projects appear to still be active. My own use-case was storing 100s of millions of key:value pairs, and I was more focussed on read performance, but it looks optimized for write also.

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