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I have saas service which working with API. It has limits so I need that one user account doing only one request at the same time.

For this I queuing with OnQueue($user->name);

then in handle() doing job…

I need only one job can be run in users queue. At the same time may be run only diffent queues 1 job per 1 queue.

Im using redis connection.

This my job class:

 public function __construct(Accounts $acc)
        $this->acc = $acc;
        $this->ownjob = $acc->prepareJobQueue();

    public function handle()
        $acc = $this->acc;
        $job = $this->ownjob;

        $api = new Api([
            'login'     => $acc->login,
            'password'  => $acc->password,
        if ($api->checkLogin()) {
            info("{$acc->login} OK Authorized");
            foreach ($job['queue'] as $term) {
                switch($term['type']) {
                    case 'hashtag':
                        info("{$acc->login} Queuing: type - {$term['type']}, value - {$term['value']}");
                        $hashtag = Hashtags::where('cha_name',$term['value'])->first();
                        $answer = $api->getUsersByHashtag($hashtag,50);
                    case 'concurency':
                        info("{$acc->login} Queuing: type - {$term['type']}, value - {$term['value']}");
                        $soc_user = Users::where('soc_unique_id',$term['value'])->first();
                        $answer = $api->getUserFollowers($soc_user);
        } else {
            info("{$acc->login} NOT Authorized - STOP JOB");


This is how I dispatching job:

$accounts = Accounts::select(['id', 'login', 'hashtag_filter', 'concurency_filter'])->whereNotNull('hashtag_filter')->get();
        foreach ($accounts as $acc) {



  1. You could limit numprocs per queue in your Supervisor or Horizon setup.

    If you only spawn one queue worker per user I believe you will get your desired behaviour.

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  2. Use mxl/laravel-queue-rate-limit Composer package.

    It enables you to rate limit Laravel jobs on specific queue without using A third party driver such as Redis.

    1. Install it with:

      $ composer require mxl/laravel-queue-rate-limit:^1.0
    2. This package is compatible with Laravel 5.5+ and uses [auto-discovery][1] feature to add MichaelLedinLaravelQueueRateLimitQueueServiceProvider::class to providers.

    3. Add rate limit (x number of jobs per y seconds) settings to config/queue.php:

      'rateLimit' => [
          'mail' => [
              'allows' => 1, // number of jobs
              'every' => 5 // time interval in seconds

      These settings allow to run 1 job every 5 seconds on mail queue.
      Make sure that default queue driver (default property in config/queue.php) is set to any value except sync.

    4. Run queue worker with --queue mail option:

      $ php artisan queue:work --queue mail

      You can run worker on multiple queues, but only queues referenced in rateLimit setting will be rate limited:

      $ php artisan queue:work --queue mail,default

      Jobs on default queue will be executed without rate limiting.

    5. Queue some jobs to test rate limiting:

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  3. You could use Laravel’s builtin rate limiting for this (note that it does require Redis).

    Inside your job:

    Redis::funnel('process-name')->limit(1)->then(function () {
        // Your job logic here

    Note that if you don’t provide a second callback to then, it will throw an exception if it cannot obtain the lock (which will cause your job to fail)

    If you’re using Laravel 6 or higher you could also opt to do this in a job middleware, rather than in the job itself (handy if you have multiple jobs that share the same lock)

    More info on Laravel’s rate limiting:

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