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i got error when i queue with bull library in node js, the error is like this :

     Error: read ECONNRESET at TCP.onStreamRead 
    - - errno: -104,
   - - code: 'ECONNRESET',
   - - syscall: 'read'
   - - }


 MaxRetriesPerRequestError: Reached the max retries per request limit (which is 20). Refer to "maxRetriesPerRequest" option for details.

this my code :

const imageQueue = new Bull("imageQueue", process.env.REDIS_URL);



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    error solved successfully by adding tls

    const imageQueue = new Bull("imageQueue", process.env.REDIS_TLS_URL, {
      redis: { tls: { rejectUnauthorized: false } },

  2. bull uses ioredis to connect, and allows a third opts parameter in the Queue constructor. According to the source code it looks for a redis property within those opts.

    You might try this to raise the retry limit to 100.

    const opts = {redis:{maxRetriesPerRequest:100}}
    const imageQueue = new Bull("imageQueue", process.env.REDIS_URL, opts);

    But, also, you may be using Heroku’s redis service more intensively than they allow for the free tier (if that’s what you use).

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