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I have a join query which takes a lot of time to process.

FROM `customers` AS `c`
LEFT JOIN `setting` AS `ssh` ON `c`.`shop_id` = `ssh`.`id`
LEFT JOIN `customer_extra` AS `cx` ON `c`.`id` = `cx`.`customer_id`
LEFT JOIN `customers_address` AS `ca` ON `ca`.`id` =            `cx`.`customer_default_address_id`
LEFT JOIN `lytcustomer_tier` AS `ct` ON `cx`.`lyt_customer_tier_id` = `ct`.`id`
WHERE (c.shop_id = '12121') AND ((DATE(cx.last_email_open_date) > '2019-11-08')); 

This is primarily because the table ‘customers’ has 2 million records.

I could go over into indexing etc. But, the larger point is, this 2.5 million could become a billion records 1 day.

I’m looking for solutions which can enhance performance.
I’ve given thought to

a) horizontal scalability. -: distribute the mysql table into different sections and query the count independently.

b) using composite indexes.

c) My favourite one -: Just create a seperate collection in mongodb or redis which only houses the count(output of this query) Since, the count is just 1 number. this will not require a huge size aka better query performance (Only question is, how many such queries are there, because that will increase size of the new collection)



  1. Try this and see if it improve performance:

    FROM `customers` AS `c`
    INNER JOIN `customer_extra` AS `cx` ON `c`.`id` = `cx`.`customer_id`
    LEFT JOIN `setting` AS `ssh` ON `c`.`shop_id` = `ssh`.`id`
    LEFT JOIN `customers_address` AS `ca` ON `ca`.`id` =            `cx`.`customer_default_address_id`
    LEFT JOIN `lytcustomer_tier` AS `ct` ON `cx`.`lyt_customer_tier_id` = `ct`.`id`
    WHERE (c.shop_id = '12121') AND ((DATE(cx.last_email_open_date) > '2019-11-08'));

    As I mention in the comment, since the condition AND ((DATE(cx.last_email_open_date) > '2019-11-08'));, already made customers table to INNER JOIN with customer_extra table, you might just change it to INNER JOIN customer_extra AS cx ON = cx.customer_id and follow it with other LEFT JOIN.

    The INNER JOIN will at least get the initial result to only return any customer who have last_email_open_date value based on what has been specified.

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    • Say COUNT(*), not COUNT(
    • Remove these; they slow down the query without adding anything that I can see:

      LEFT JOIN  `setting` AS `ssh`  ON `c`.`shop_id` = `ssh`.`id`
      LEFT JOIN  `customers_address` AS `ca`  ON `ca`.`id` = `cx`.`customer_default_address_id`
      LEFT JOIN  `lytcustomer_tier` AS `ct`  ON `cx`.`lyt_customer_tier_id` = `ct`.`id`
    • DATE(...) makes that test not “sargable”. This works for DATE or DATETIME; and this is much faster:

      cx.last_email_open_date > '2019-11-08'
    • Consider whether that should be >= instead of >.

    • Need an index on shop_id. (Please provide SHOW CREATE TABLE.)
    • Don’t use LEFT JOIN when JOIN would work equally well.
    • If customer_extra is columns that should have been in customer, now is the time to move them in. That would let you use this composite index for even more performance:

      INDEX(shop_id, last_email_open_date)   -- in this order

    With those changes, a billion rows in MySQL will probably not be a problem. If it is, there are still more fixes I can suggest.

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