I am trying to create a scheduled task in GoDaddy windows shared hosting account. I have some logic in my .Net C# class project where I have to call a function on daily basis. I have tried by converting it to an executable(.exe) and configured in godaddy as per
But that doesn’t work for an .exe.
Eventually I have tried calling that function from an aspx by referencing the class project in the WebApp (because that’s what the URL suggests). Now I am blocked with some error which says Exception calling “DownloadString” with “1” argument(s): “URI formats are not supported.”
Looks like I am doing something wrong while configuring my aspx.
These are my configuration details:
Path to an executable file:
-c “(new-object system.net.webclient).downloadstring(‘http://DOMAIN_NAME.inSOME_FOLDERDefault.aspx’)”
Called up GoDaddy folks to provide a sample, But they said they do not any sample for the same (very irritating).
Can Someone help me with this?
I have found the issue with my configuration, in fact I have just managed to make it work, here it is:
ASPX Deployment:
Path to an executable file:
-c "(new-object system.net.webclient).downloadstring('http://YOUR_DOMAIN.in/Default.aspx')"
Note: Default.aspx must be placed in httpdocs folder (This is the default folder where you place your website related files).
PHP Deployment:
Path to an executable file:
C:Program Files (x86)ParallelsPleskAdditionalPleskPHP54php-cgi.exe
NOTE: Looks like only these 2 options are available for scheduling your tasks via windows shared hosting.
you can create a API and call it by
The Invoke-RestMethod cmdlet sends HTTP and HTTPS requests to Representational State Transfer (REST) web services that returns richly structured data.
Godaddy already removed task scheduler and they no longer support it since March 2018.