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I’ve created a filter method for filtering the products list. This is my URL:


But I want to show this way:


How can I achieve it?



  1. Assuming that Products::filter() is responsible for handling the request, you can rewrite the method to accept parameters in its signature. So, if the current logic is something like this:

    class Products extends CI_Controller
        public function filter()
            // Retrieve data from GET params
            $page     = $this->input->get('page');
            $color    = $this->input->get('color');
            $category = $this->input->get('category');
            // Do the filtering with $category, $color and $page...

    You can simply refactor it to accept parameters through URL segments:

    public function filter($category, $color, $page)
        // Do the filtering with $category, $color and $page...

    With this in place, your current URL is:


    We need to get rid of that extra filter/ and we’re done, right? Quoting from the docs:

    Typically there is a one-to-one relationship between a URL string and its corresponding controller class/method. The segments in a URI normally follow this pattern:

    In some instances, however, you may want to remap this relationship so that a different class/method can be called instead of the one corresponding to the URL.

    OK, so we need to remap the current route. You have a few options:

    • First, is to update your application/config/routes.php file with a new entry:

        $route['products/(:any)'] = 'products/filter/$1';

      It says that if a URL starts with products/, remap it to the filter method of products class.

      Here you can use wildcards and regex patterns to be even more precise about the type of parameters your method accepts.

    • Another option is that you might want to implement a _remap() method in your controller in order to do the route remapping for you.

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  2. in routes.php file, you can write following line

        $route['products/(:any)/(:any)/(:num)'] = 'products/filter/$1/$2/$3';

    and function will be like following

        public function filter($category, $color, $page)
            echo $category.'<br>';
            echo $color.'<br>';         
            echo $page.'<br>';
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