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Struggling. Help!

In index.php:

require "cachedPages/home.html";

If I visit: then it works fine.

If I visit: then I get an internal server error.

I guess it’s a .htaccess thing. All I have in there is some cpanel php72 code and:

RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{HTTPS} off
RewriteRule (.*) https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI}
DirectoryIndex index.php

It seems there’s some difference between how index.php is called if you call it directly as opposed to .htaccess calling it for you?!?

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance.



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    Well, I've managed to sort the problem, but it's a pretty weird situation that no-one else will probably ever experience. Here goes...

    If the user lands at: rather than and that page (php) requires another page, which has images that are embedded as URIs rather than linked src files.

    Then, the first URI causes a server error.

    If I replace the

    img src='...etc' 


    img src='path/to/file.jpg' 

    on the first instance of a jpg then it all works fine. All the later URIs are fine, it's just the first instance!

    It all works now, with this workaround; and the situation is so unique and bizarre that I doubt this thread will be of use to anyone else. In fact it's so edge-case that I can't be bothered investigating it any further myself.

  2. If you don’t have one of the following options in your .htaccess then Apache won’t know which file to default back to:

    DirectoryIndex index.php
    FallBackResource /index.php

    Also I’d recommend installing mod_rewrite as well. It’s handy for other reasons.

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