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Edit 29/1/2019 – this question was eligible for a bounty but none of the provided answers directly address the issue. If you have an answer that works based on what’s been asked please respond

I have 2 domains configured on the same physical server:

Users login to which consists of PHP 5.5 application which stores some data in the $_SESSION array after a successful login.

I want to configure so that I can read the session data present on The application on the help subdomain is a content management system built in PHP 7.

In Plesk I have added the following to ‘Additional configuration directives’ for php.ini under both and

session.cookie_domain = ""

If I upload a phpinfo() script to it is showing the following for session.cookie_domain:

  • Local value: no value
  • Master value:

If I then run the following in a script on


It is outputting an empty array:

array(0) { }

However, if I run the equivalent on it is outputting an array of session data which shows details of the logged-in user (as expected):

array(15) {
   ["o_id"]=> (1) "1"
   ["u_id"]=> string(4) "1745"

I’m expecting to see the same output on both sub-domains. Why is this not working?

I have read Allow php sessions to carry over to subdomains but none of that resolves the problem.



  1. I just try to replicate whit:

    • Product: Plesk Onyx 17.8.11 Update #37
    • PHP Version 7.0.32-0ubuntu0.16.04.1

    and works pretty fine. I got values in _Session array in both cases, even I just save the values only in the subdomain.

    In my set, the ‘Additional configuration directives’ for php.ini is the same for the domain and the subdomain.

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  2. Why is this not working?

    by default sessions are saved to local files on the server, location of which is specified in php.ini’s session.save_path, for example session.save_path = /var/lib/php/sessions, if and are running on 2 different servers with their own filesystem, or even if it’s running on the same filesystem but have different session.save_path directives in php.ini, they won’t share the same $_SESSION.

    if you want 2 different servers to share the same $_SESSION, possible solutions include creating a shared session store database with session_set_save_handler() (like MongoDB or MySQL comes to mind), or creating a networked filesystem and set session.save_path = /path/to/networked/filesystem/mountpoint in php.ini, but both of these methods may incur a significant performance penalty..

    … since the cookie is shared across both domains, session_id() will return the same value on both sides, that could be used as an id for a session database, take a look at

    (i’d write a sample class if i had more time but i’m out of time)

    switch to a sql-db-backed session store (like MariaDB, MySQL, or PostgreSQL), for example:

    CREATE TABLE sessions (
      id VARCHAR(255) ,
      atime BIGINT ,
      data BLOB

    SessionHandlerInterface implementation:

    class MySqlSessionHandler implements SessionHandlerInterface
        protected $db;
        public function __construct(string $dsn, string $username, string $password)
            $this->db = new PDO($dsn, $username, $password, array(
                PDO::ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES => false,
        protected function a(string $id) : bool
            $ret = $this->db->query("UPDATE sessions SET atime = " . (time()) . " WHERE id = " . $this->db->quote($id));
            return ($ret->rowCount() > 0);
        public function close() : bool
            // TODO: implement locking/race-condition-free session handling?
            return true;
        public function destroy(string $id) : bool
            $this->db->query("DELETE FROM sessions WHERE id = " . $db->quote($id));
            return true;
        public function gc(int $maxlifetime) : int
            $this->db->query("DELETE FROM sessions WHERE atime < " . (time() - $maxlifetime));
            return 1; // ??? not sure what this return int is supposed to contain, docs doesn't say either
        public function open(string $save_path, string $session_name) : bool
            if (!$this->a($session_name)) {
                $stm = $this->db->prepare("INSERT INTO sessions (id,atime,data) VALUES(?,?,?);");
                $stm->execute(array($session_name, time(), serialize(null)));
            return true;
        public function read(string $session_id) : string
            if (!$this->a($session_id)) {
                throw new InvalidArgumentException("supplied session id does not exist.");
            return $this->db->query("SELECT data FROM sessions WHERE id = " . $this->db->quote($session_id))->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)['data'];
        public function write(string $session_id, string $session_data) : bool
            // optimization note: this function can be optimized to do everything in a single query, instead of using a() (which also use a query)
            if (!$this->a($session_id)) {
                throw new InvalidArgumentException("supplied session id does not exist.");
            $stm = $this->db->prepare("UPDATE sessions SET data = ? WHERE id = ?");
            $stm->execute(array($session_data, $session_id));
            return true;


    // for DSN documentation, check
    $handler = new MySqlSessionHandler (';dbname=sessions;charset=utf8mb4','MySqlUsername','MySqlPassword');
    session_set_save_handler($handler, true);
    • now they should definitely share sessions..
    • warning: untested as of writing, but this should work in theory.
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