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I am trying to figure out how to adjust multiple cart items.

Essentially, we have a custom order page which adds multiple products to the cart. All of the products added have the same unique property.

For example, these two products are added to the cart:

Product 1
ID: 1000
Property: CustomProduct2

ID: 1001
Property: CustomProduct2

The end-user just sees this as one product so I would like a way to remove or adjust the quantities for all products with matching properties with one button.

I know the below wont work but presume if possible, it would be something along the lines of:

  var property = $(this).attr('data-property');
         type: 'POST',
         url: '/cart/add.js',
         data: {
           quantity: 0,
           id: *,
           properties: {
             'Property': data-property
         dataType: 'json',




  1. This can be achieved by using the /cart/update.js endpoint. (See Shopify’s official documentation

    One point that the documentation omits is that you can use either the variant ID or the line-item’s ‘key’ value as the key for the payload. This is important when using line-item properties, as the same variant ID may exist on multiple lines if it has been added multiple times with different line-properties each time. The key, however, is guaranteed to be unique for every line in the cart.

    An example request would therefore be:

         type: 'POST',
         url: '/cart/update.js',
         data: {
              "100000:abcdef":0, // Use the line-item key inside the quotes 
         dataType: 'json',
         async:false,  // Be warned, async:false has been deprecated in jQuery for a long time and is not recommended for use. It's generally recommended to use callbacks or promises instead

    One way you might create your updates data could be through a simple for loop. Assuming you have the current contents of the cart saved to a variable named cart, that might look like:

    var updateData = {}
    for(var i=0; i < cart.items.length; i++){
      var item = cart.items[i];
      if( /* Check for item that needs to be removed */){
        updateData[item.key] = 0;
    // Now you can make your AJAX call using this updateData object

    You could also do this using array.reduce if you wanted to be fancy:

    var updateData = cart.items.reduce(function(acc, item){
      if( /* Check for item that we want to remove */){
        acc[item.key] = 0
      return acc;
    }, {})
    // Now make your AJAX call using the updateData that we created

    Either way, our final AJAX call will now look something like this:

     type: 'POST',
     url: '/cart/update.js',
     data: {
       updates: updateData
     dataType: 'json',
     success: function(cart){ console.log('Hooray!', cart) },
     error: function(err){ console.error('Booo!', err) }


    Hope this helps!

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  2. Remove with fetch

    Removing a single item from the cart.

    function removeItemFromCart (item) {
      fetch('/cart/update.js', {
        method: 'POST',
        headers: {
          'Content-Type': 'application/json'
        body: JSON.stringify({
          updates: {
            [item.key]: 0
      }).then(response => response.json())
        .then((newCart) => {
          console.log('Updated cart:', newCart)
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