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I’m trying to add “Sign in with Twitter” thing to my web application. I configured spring security and social and everything works i.e. I can fetch user name, access key, secret etc., but when I want to get user email from fetched profile I’m getting null.

My code inside of controller (spring redirect to this after successful authorization) looks like this:

Connection<A> connection = providerSignInUtils.getConnectionFromSession(request);   
String email = connection.fetchUserProfile().getEmail();

I know you have to whitelist application, check “Request email addresses from users” field, refresh tokens etc. I did that all already and still getting null. I’m out of ideas what to do, I tried “/auth/twitter?scope=email” instead of “/auth/twitter” but does not work. Maybe it’s something wrong with Spring?
I’m using newest spring-social 1.1.4 with spring twitter API 1.1.2.

I saw many question about this issue but all of them were from 2011/2012, AFAIK Twitter didn’t support fetching email address from user back then, but it changed, however it still doesn’t seem to work properly.



  1. There is an Open issue regarding for this.

    See getEmail of returns null even if additional permissions granted.

    As a workaround you can use the RestTemplate which you can grab from TwitterTemplate and make rest call to ““.

    Some thing like this:

    private TwitterTemplate twitterTemplate;
    RestTemplate restTemplate = twitterTemplate.getRestTemplate();   
    String response = restTemplate.getForObject("", String.class);
    System.out.println("Profile Info with Email: "+ response);

    Check this Commit in my GitHub Spring Twitter experiments project for getting email of User.

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  2. ============In twitter application management============

    step 1.check select “Request email addresses from users”

    step 2.Permission set ReadOnly.

    ============edit your social-login-twitter code============

    step add email field.

    step 4.set’s getUserProfile method :

    return restTemplate.getForObject(buildUri("account/verify_credentials.json?include_email=true"), TwitterProfile.class);

    step 5.set’s fetchUserProfile method:

    return new UserProfileBuilder().setName(profile.getName()).setUsername(profile.getScreenName()).setEmail(profile.getEmail()).build();
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  3. Using hint from Sanjay’s answer

           private TwitterTemplate twitterTemplate;
           twitterTemplate = new TwitterTemplate("Your App's Consumer Key", "Your App's Consumer Secret",connection.createData().getAccessToken(), connection.createData().getSecret());
           RestTemplate restTemplate = twitterTemplate.getRestTemplate();
           String response = restTemplate.getForObject("", String.class);
          JSONObject json = new JSONObject(response);
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