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I am using mysql and here is the schema that I have.

First table: Keywords

| keyword_id | keyword_tag |
|          2 | marketing   |
|         58 | sales       |
|         59 | scraping    |
|          1 | seo         |
|          3 | testkeyword |

Second table: Domains

| domain_id | domain_name     | campaign_name | campaign_date       | campaign_note   |
|         1 |        | campaign 1    | 2019-08-27 17:10:58 | Test            |
|        11 |     | campaign 2    | 2019-08-27 17:36:06 | Campaign Note 2 |

Third table: Domain_Keywords

| dk_id | domain_id | keyword_id |
|     1 |         1 |          1 |
|     2 |         1 |          2 |
|     3 |         1 |          3 |
|     4 |        11 |          1 |
|     5 |        11 |          2 |
|     6 |        11 |         58 |
|     7 |        11 |         59 |

Fourth table: Emails

| email_id | email                 | valid | is_generated | score | number_results | domain_id | user_id |
|        1 | [email protected]           |     1 |            1 |   0.5 |              2 |        1  |       3 |
|        2 | [email protected]           |     1 |            1 |   0.3 |              0 |        1  |       1 |
|        3 | [email protected]        |     1 |            1 |   0.3 |              0 |        11 |       4 |
|        4 | [email protected]        |     1 |            1 |   0.3 |              0 |        11 |       4 |
|        5 | [email protected]        |     1 |            1 |   0.3 |              0 |        11 |       1 |
|        6 | [email protected]        |     1 |            1 |   0.5 |              3 |        11 |       3 |

I want to show the data as following:
enter image description here

Kindly guide me how can I query data from those four tables. Thanks



  1. You may try this. Simple inner join with group by clause will give you your desired result. Just Group_Concat is use to convert your cities name into one string and count is use to count the email records.

    You may find this fiddle working Link.

    select Domains.campaign_name, Domains.campaign_date, tab2.countemail as Found, tab2.countemail as generate, tab1.KeyTag 
    from Domains inner join 
           (select Domains.domain_id, group_concat(Keywords.keyword_tag) as KeyTag 
             from Domains  
              inner join Domain_Keywords on Domains.domain_id = Domain_Keywords.domain_id 
              inner join Keywords on Domain_Keywords.keyword_id = Keywords.keyword_id  group by  Domains.domain_id ) as tab1 
              on Domains.domain_id = tab1.domain_id
    inner join 
             ( select Domains.domain_id, Count(Emails.is_generated) as countemail
              from Domains
               inner join Emails on Domains.domain_id = Emails.domain_id
               group by  Domains.domain_id
              ) as tab2
    on Domains.domain_id = tab2.domain_id
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  2. Because you can have multiple rows in each table for a given domain_id, it’s necessary to perform all aggregation in derived tables, and then join them to the Domains table.

    SELECT d.campaign_name,
           COALESCE(e.num_emails, 0) AS num_emails,
           COALESCE(e.num_generated_emails, 0) AS num_generated_emails,
    FROM Domains d
    JOIN (SELECT dk.domain_id, 
                 GROUP_CONCAT(k.keyword_tag) AS keywords
          FROM Domain_Keywords dk
          JOIN Keywords k ON k.keyword_id = dk.keyword_id
          GROUP BY dk.domain_id) k ON k.domain_id = d.domain_id
    LEFT JOIN (SELECT domain_id,
                      COUNT(*) AS num_emails,
                      SUM(is_generated) AS num_generated_emails
               FROM Emails
               GROUP BY domain_id) e ON e.domain_id = d.domain_id


    campaign_name   campaign_date       num_emails  num_generated_emails    keywords
    campaign 1      2019-08-27 17:10:58 2           2                       seo,marketing,testkeyword
    campaign 2      2019-08-27 17:36:06 4           4                       seo,marketing,sales,scraping

    Demo on dbfiddle

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